Realtors are in many ways like insurance....a permanent middle-man between you and the other party. Time to do away with the model.
Agent here since 1992. As of 3 years ago this industry is very unregulated, and brokers don't care about buyers and customer service. It's the wild west out there. Also, the Federal Reserve is a private corporation, not Federal. I am sitting back watching everything play-out.
In the early 1990s, when I purchased my first residence in Miami, mortgage rates were commonly in the 8-10% range. Today’s market participants must recognise that the historically low rates of 3% may not return. If sellers are compelled to list their properties, market dynamics will likely drive prices downward, leading to reduced valuations—this is a sentiment that many in the industry share.
This is exactly the type of transparency buyers need right now. I’ve been in real estate for over 10 years, and these buyer agency agreements are creating real friction. Totally agree that education and clear communication upfront are key.
@SachsRealty =>=> Excellent Information you're sharing Todd. Also, thank you for telling the industry and media funkiest to "STOP THE LYING" who are trying to whip up buyer mania over 2 tenths rate decrease.
pretty wild to think Redfin peaked at $97 back in 2021. and now barely $9 just wild!
Thank you for keeping us informed. You answered many of my questions.
Lots of BS in real estate industry - will not see any house until locked in to a contract - industry built for its benefit.
my realtor told me interest rates are going to go higher... and I should buy a house as soon as possible
Hes right the agents that Ive delt with and were super cut throat and lazy as hell just want to do open house so they can get more clients and allow neighbors to go thru your house with no intention to buy
I learned by watching you about having to have to sign buyer agent agreements. I talked to my daughter about it. She is using one agent who is working hard for her out here in California.
When I began my real estate career 22 years ago, I felt the field was so unprofessional to do things the way it was run. But wait, why should ANY agent show even one home without having a contract with a potential buyer. In 22 years I have never done this, which means I offered a First Time Home Buyer Training to each buyer before showing any homes. If after the hour long + training where I go over the process and forms, the customer does not want to become a client, “no problem,” because at least I did not waste a lot of my time and additional resources, and I educated the customer. Anyone not doing this is foolish.
great info! I have been stressed out about being locked in a contract with a flaky realtor or one I don't even know. I am only going to sign a buyers agreement for 1 week and I will make sure there's a termination clause, thank you for this helpful information!
I will sign a contract for that house only, at 2% commission, for 60 days. If the agent doesn't agree, I would show up and speak to the homeowner later.
very informative Thank you so much!
In order for a contract to be valid it must have both a start and an ending date. If not and the buyers agent attempts to enforce a broken contract he/she will loose in the courts.
The market is not good right now for anyone.
More reasons why I don't work with 90% of the agents out there.
True. It’s always about the $$$. Morals and scruples will always fall to the wayside. No matter how decent the person/agent is coming into the business, the $$$ will eventually turn them.