
Couple of things I’d offer for consideration: The portable bidet is worth trying. There are many models on the market. It can eliminate or drastically reduce the amount of TP to pack out and if you choose to use a very minimal amount of TP with it, expect what you do pack out to a lot less mess. The water needed is fairly minimal- about 6oz can do the job so unless your in days of desert water is not quite the issue it may seem. My preference is to use a small dedicated collapsible water bottle with the bidet to avoid cross contamination with drinking containers. The soapMany folks don’t but that’s me. Secondly, there’s good science behind almost all health departments require water and soap at animal petting zoos and hand sanitizers are not deemed not sufficient. I admit to being more lax than I should be but powdered soap is easy and light to carry and use, however again a little water is required. Like wearing a seat belt….


I tried the bidet on the JMT, it reduced the need for TP/wipes, but did not eliminate…for me. Thank for sharing. I always love your content.


I had a Park Service coworker who refused to poop in the woods. One day she really needed to, but still wouldn't. Our work that day was moving rocks to build a retaining wall supporting the trail. She was straining to move a big rock with a crowbar, and, well... I bet she wished she had just gone in the woods!


Happy New Years


Sanitizer is good as a backup, I prefer the wipes, you sanitize and remove the "stuff" from your hands, and then use the dirty wipes later instead of toilet paper, still pack it out, I never regretted for one second, carrying the extra weight of a nice thick pack of sanitizing wipes, IMHO.


Thanks, I was looking for a pooping tutorial.


Still backpack but squatting is a challenge with a bakers' cyst behind my knee.  So I carry a small stool and in case I can't find a good log to sit on.    Makes clean up easier, and I have a stool for a lunch break.  If it is a bear canister required area, the canister becomes the stool.  It helps to aim well.  In addition to Wet Ones or their equivalent,  and hand sanitizer, for women camping Lume really does cut down on odor and UTI's.


What do you do after number 2 💩 do you carry tissue for that or how do you clean up 🙈


You know... Out of all the times I've been out hiking in the wilderness I never did find a bathroom where are you going to the bathroom.  I have never seen one out there you must know where there's a lot of bathrooms..... Where is it that your hiking where they have all these bathrooms.... And why are you packing your toilet paper out of there why don't you just flush it down the toilet in the bathroom that you're going to out there. Are these bathrooms all 200 ft off the trail and from the water what do they look like I have never seen one.... And I can't understand why you're bringing a trowel to the bathroom.... Just walk in the bathroom do what you got to do flush the toilet wash your hands put whatever you need to in the garbage can that is in the so-called bathrooms and walk back over to the trail. And you don't need disinfecting wipes wash your hands in the bathroom.... My final question is do they have a bath in there or a shower? from the way you're talking there there's just a bath in there... But I suppose if they've got a shower curtain you could just take a shower right in the bath. 

Just kidding I know JUST what you're talking about thank you very much for your nice video.!!! And happy New Year FRANCESCA.