gonna love how their joke name became their real name
Noodle-Neck: literally just flys Zilla: And I took that personally.
0:01 it would've been the best time to put Don't Turn Me Into Marketable Plushies meme
I love how you made Zilla am actually formidable opponent, instead of making him as durable as a piece of paper, and the IQ of one to boot.
I love how this series has been going in for 2 years, and it’s still alive, congrats man!
I love how detailed your animations are getting 3:50 that part was pretty eerie. I'm also glad the plushies are out! Have to save up my money for them. I'm also happy I was included in the begin. Thanks bb for making me happy .
This started as a short clip to a whole entire Disney or Netflix series
Zilla was always a more agressive kaiju, I like how you had him take the more relationaly agressive "Titans" by suprize. Aslo the tricky touch to his personality when he stole the router was great!
Triangle looks mad in this! Can’t wait for this
Thank you for featuring me at 0:07 also awesome video like always 👍
It would be nice to see in the future, a confrontation between Zilla and the Indominus Rex
I love how it used to just be a Godzilla vs kong parody and now it's a whole series
I like your videos they are funny and awesome keep up the good work :)
I’m in for it! This was such a sick part though it was rather short. I love the fact that your GvM vids have action and humour packed into one masterpiece. And honestly your depiction of Zilla is WAY better than how he was canonically depicted, like giving him green atomic breath (though Zilla Jr had it in the animated series). I already know what to expect from the next episode, hinted by the ending (I won’t give it away as it could potentially be a spoiler). By the way I can’t wait for Act 2 and as always, anything upcoming that you have in store!
The fact that they finally made Zilla powerful is wonderful
YESSS!!! Triangle vs Monkey vs Zilla!! Can't wait to see this!
I'm quite glad this is going to be another multi-parter like Shin was
I love this series man I’ve been subbed since the first episode I hope it can go on for awhile longer ❤