
Let’s fill the comments section with what motivates you to study!! 🥰🧠💐✨ you might inspire someone else <3

oh my god ALSO DID I JUST REACH 700K!?? aaaaaaah I adore you guys, thank you for being here!!


What inspires me to study today is because I want to overcome the fear of not directly understanding a topic, to step over this threshold of fear and looking my study goal directly in the face, I know I am capable of understanding.


I’ll be graduating this year, shortly after turning 40. I’m a mum of 5 and for so long I felt that’s all I was but that I wouldn’t accomplish anything else. My motivation is the show my family that I’m actually smart and determined and passionate about learning and also show my kids that if I can do it so can they!


In my experience, med school had SO much content - doing active recall with flashcards and practice questions was MUCH more effective than re-reading notes! Trying to do some habit chaining currently like Duolingo before bed - new habits aren't easy, but starting is the hardest part! Whoever's reading this, you got this 🙌😊


What motivates me to study:

My whole life I have been told that I have so much potential.  Then I was diagnosed with ASD and people started saying that I'll never achieve anything and that I'm limited.

I want to prove to myself that I am capable, and that if I change my approach, I can reach my potential!  I just have to use different approaches than most, and be more careful about burnout.

I've also always been very scared of the idea of wasting my life and my youth, so I have motivation from that haha

Just wanted to say thank you, Jade!  I've been at some terrible schools and went into my A-levels having no revision skills and having taken no tests exams since year 8.  Thanks to your videos and your book, I have become quite good at revising!  I think it helped to not have any revision skills, good or bad, because I didn't have to unlearn any bad habits.  I was a blank slate, and now I feel like my future has opened up again!


what motivates me is myself looking at a topic and being confident about myself being able understand it despite how long I might have taken to learn it properly because it gives me that sense of achievement that the topic that I was feared so much is simply just a topic that needed me to spend a little extra time and effort to understand it better :)


For me, what motivates me is just learning, talking with others about what I learn and when I understand - its AMAZING! Being able to use my learning in life, talk to people about it. Also thinking about my future. I just want to say thank you SO much Jade, you have honestly been such an AMAZING help these past few months, you always give off such positive energy and make me feel so much more confident in myself and you are really an inspiration in how you go about life. so thank you.


What motivates me is how good it’s going to feel when I open that paper and know I did it all by myself. I know how hard it’s already been for me and thinking about how amazing it’ll feel when I get my results and know I pushed through all those hard times really keeps me on track.


What motivates me to study is just basically the fear of failure,   not being able to live the life I want or having bad grades, disappointing my parents, or even disappointing myself.
 Thanks, jade for this amazing  video, you have no idea how helpful this is ❤


I was accepted into my dream law school today, and I am overwhelmed with joy; however, I haven't been a student in 6 years... Jade, you make me so ecstatic about returning to academia! Thank you!


I've been detached from the process of learning all my life, mostly because I've had teachers that only spoon fed us bulks of information to spit out in exam halls. It was suffocating. And watching videos like this years later got me to realize that I actually love learning, building my systems and being productive. 
Honestly, everything motivates me to study, the fact that i love doing it, that it makes me feel super productive, takes me a little closer to my dream university and career. The learning I've found for myself is just soo peaceful, its like therapy. I only wish they actually taught us how to learn in school.


opening that piece of paper on results day and seeing the smile and joy in my friends and family (and myself) is what motivates me!


It motivates me to think about how many people fought for my right to go to school as a girl and how it is a privilege that no one should take for granted :) Loved the video by the way you helped my out a lot!


Fun fact: I just realized I made it a habit to watch one of Jade's videos before studying because it genuinely puts me in a study mood and motivates me.
For me, studying was always something horrible. It gave me a lot of pressure, stress, the feeling to study and do well for the appreciation of others. Now I feel like I am doing it for myself. I am learning to learn, learning how I work and I think these are the first steps in order to do well. 
To be honest, Jade helps me so much in the process of loving to learn. She is showing me a new side of the learning process, the academic life, loving yourself, and learning about yourself.
I am so grateful for her content. She is such an amazing person


What motivates me to study?
1. I LOVE Statistics and I find it interesting. So I feel motivated to study statistics.
2. When I've studied something, I feel confident before my exams. 
3. A good study session gives me a fine sense of satisfaction. 
4. I feel happier when I've had a productive day.
5. Studying improves my general knowledge and I feel smarter and more intelligent after I've learnt something new.

Love you Jade! <3 ✨✨✨

Tysm for the likes!! :')


I took a gap year and I want to improve my learning system so when I start university I can enjoy learning without associating it only with anxiety and negative emotions.
Plus I love the sensation of having your mind full of knowledge and stuff you like to talk about so you can have deep conversations with people and your own opinion about things. Learning makes me feel so independent and powerful :)


As this year started I swore to learn sooo many things but didn't know where to start! So, I started studying how to study first, that too from your book, and just ended chapter 05 before clicking on this vid. I seriously don't know how to thank you enough for this! sending tons of love to you Jade! You are inspiring!


What’s motivated me to study this year is that I need to build HABIT of studying so that I don’t get burdened when the courses are harder, and also I need to get exceptional marks to attend my dream university :))


My motivation for study: my mum never got the opportunity to go to university and now that I’m here I’m going to take that opportunity and run with it. I’m not going to take it for granted that I get to learn all these new things and meet all these amazing people and experience all these incredible things and make wonderful memories. We can chose to want to learn, I get to go to lectures - changing I get to rather than I have to makes it so much more inviting xx


As cheesy as it sounds, what motivates me is to see the look of joy on my parents'  face when i finally achieve the unachievable.

Thank you jade for this video! I am once again motivated to get back to studying :D