Man I’m glad I’m not the only one who was wondering where this video went! This playlist introduced me to a whole new community I’m not ready to let it go!😭
2 years later and I'm still here listening to this playlist cause this one is the best hyperpop playlist ever. It's something special for me.
With this kinda music (for me) I either instantly love the song or it’s unbearable
THANK YOU ! I was so scared when it went away
Putting these song in my mf notes im not risking losing this playlist again 😭
It's hard to describe but this playlist makes me feel like I am not alone. I really love glitchcore, it makes me feel inspired.
two years later i found one more time that playlist, the nostalgia invading my mind
вы не представляете какие у меня флэшбэки с этого плейлиста,помню был 2020 год,осень я рисовала и слушала этот плейлист,прекраснейшее время,в которое я хочу вернуться..было очень хорошо,кстати я так обсерилась когда увидела что он исчез,а сегодня увидела этот перезалив
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that was terrified when the playlist went away
Can't wait to get my computer and start making this kind of music🤩
bro im so happy i wasnt the only one who lost this playlist. I LOVE THIS PLAYLIST SO MUCH
Who needs monster energy when youve got THIS EPIC STYLE OF MUSIC AND THIS PLAYLIST?!
ive been listening to this playlist over and over and i gotta say its peak immaculate. 💞
Was feeling nostalgic for this playlist and my heart dropped when I couldn’t find it at first
ah thank u for this i was like wheres the playlist at!?
I was so worried when I couldn't find the playlist, thank you!
gently visiting my highschool past, to tell her everything will be okay and that i love her. She's very lucky.
I just wanna let everyone know that this is the exact playlist i listened to on the school ipad in 2020