There's a saying "I'd rather be a white belt that knows how to fight than be a black belt that didn't earn it"
The real dojo is probably the one which looks like a rundown garage
"im a black belt" "Black belt in what?" "Money spending"
Yes,once j went to a karate club and my dojo LITERALLY HANDED OUT TO A 6 YEAR OLD A BLACK BELT😭EBEN WORSE,HE WAS A YELLOW BELT😭😭😭
I like how Nat's black belt he's wearing is frayed. It shows the amount of time he's trained for. Respect for that, it's not very noticeable but it's a subtle reminder of this guys skill, experience and knowledge
"Does your Dojo charge a fortune?" Looks like every BJJ club is a McDojo 😅
I did taekwondo for 7 years, but I quit after I got diagnosed with epilepsy and had 7 seizures in the span of a month. I have my medication sorted out now but I don’t think I’ll go back to it, however I’ll never forget all the amazing memories of meeting amazing people and training hard for hours each day.
"Dragon School of Masters" I think they meant "Dragon Burning Money School"
Here's a idea for a video: try to see if cobra kai is a mcdojo
I became a black belt at ten. Many people did not believe me but i had to fight like 5 15-17 year olds and beat them to earn it. I had been learning since 4.
Johnny Lawrence casually watching and finding out how to low-key run a McDojo💀
In the old days (now that I'm an old man) the only way to get a black belt in 3 or 4 years was to be a live-in student like the old Kyokushin program was. Otherwise 10 years minimum, and if you had to change schools, longer. My belt took 14 years.
i think there was a dojo called “flaming roaring dragon fist kick xtreme hardcore black belt elite warrior karate school for young winners” that did this
I’m so glad I didn’t have to deal with this BS!!! Like my master won’t let us move on from the belt until we’ve understood & demonstrated the knowledge that comes with the saying with “Always do your best here, at school, & at home.” and doing his best to adjust us based on what you need based on age to genetics or time away. (Also my master does his best to find variable places if someone asks as they’re moving, is aways great. It gets rid of a lot of the pay for academies.)
In my dojo it takes 11 years to get black belt :edit I found out it took 10 years
I have the feeling my dojo is slowly turning into a McDojo
The second you hear "Sparring isn't real combat", your instructor claims to be the "last" of almost anything, "Dim Mak" is offered, etc.. You're in the wrong place.
Me who doesn't even go to a dojo and watches Nat and Tactus for home workouts 👍
At the dojo my mom used to go, to one of the instructors apparently took someone up a belt just because they purchased a 3-year subscription. 💀