The amount of work…. Mind blowing. This dude sets up ALONE, serves ALONE and cleans ALONE. And not only that, his attitude. How could you NOT want to go taste this guys food just based off his energy and dedication. Hes a special one man glad he’s doing so well
I don't know if this man will even see this comment, but I'd just like to say I admire how he lives. I've seen videos of him before, and I love that he does what he enjoys and in turn his enthusiasm for his work spreads joy to other people. I wish him well, and a long and happy life.
I can't believe he's doing this all by himself. I've never seen such a hardworking person like him in my life. I hope I can visit Japan and try to eat in your stall 😭He's the kind of person you want to be surrounded by. Please take care of your health. So much admiration from you! LOTS OF LOVE <3
12 hour job, then smiling and joking after. Doing it for the community and the customer, money secondary as a result. Learning english to better communicate with overseas customer. What a fucking inspiration. A real G. Goat!
If I ever have the honor and pleasure of being able to visit Japan, this will be the most important stop of my trip.
I love that he gets a coffee for the camera person and has the decency to clean the public space before he leaves
He made 3 trips to carry everything and even cleaned the spot he put his stall all without complaining, i know japanese are generally clean and hardworking but this guy is something else
Love his attitude, you can clearly tell he’s tired but still laughing.
I don't even know what to say. So so inspired but also when watching humans pulling off feats like this on the daily just reminded that I have no idea what actual real real hard work is.
What a goofy guy. 😂 he has such a bright energy that's just so unapologetic its beautifull.
元気貰った 人生のモチベーションになりました 今手をつけてる中途半端なこともコツコツと進めようと思いました ありがとうございます😭
6 trips daily to haul that heavy stall/kitchen to-and-fro + supplies (Set-up + dismantle), clean the public area around the stall + collect the waste, wash the bowls/plates and pots back at the office. I'm guessing that's also where he sleeps. And his day isn't even done at 5.15am-5.30am coz he needs to eat dinner/breakfast before heading to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for the following work day. This is taking hard work and dedication to a whole different level. He does all these with enthusiasm and joy which is infectious. His attitude and discipline is something to behold. Respect. Wishing him a long, healthy and happy life.
He succeeds not only because of the food that looks wonderful. He succeeds because of his attitude. Inspiring for all of us. Thank you!
this man deserves protection, prosperity, and all the good things. the amount of dedication he put is incredibly amazing
i would love to see a video of how this person preps for the day like cooking broths and sauces, going grocery shopping, all in prep for service in the evening. one can tell that keiji lives his life with great passion for this. the attention to detail, the dedication, the talent in his cooking, so much respect for this dude !!
This is unbelievable All alone working so hard with passion Clean carting cooking Washing the road This man is an inspiration He is an institute That’s why I had to go to Japan and I did And I was amazed and ashamed. Amazed at the kind warm honest helpful people. Four different people helped me reach my destination with speaking a word of English They stopped helped and were thankful I gave them an opportunity to What self esteem omg Ashamed because after seeing him we still complain of being tired and bored. Back to the stall The man is incredible May god bless him for his passion and hardwork. Every Japanese should be proud of this young happy man ❤️❤️❤️❤️👌👌👌👍👍👍👍
こうやって人に楽しんでもらえる仕事を楽しくやってる人をみるとすごく良い気持ちになる☺️ そしてこの小さなスペースに全部詰まってる感じが大好きです。
ふざけてるようで真面目な感じ好きですね😂 楽しんでるのが伝わる
I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone enjoy working so hard in my life! The legacy he is leaving for his customers is incredible.