
Sissy Spacek always awesome!!!


My grandma bought me this movie, it wss on a VHS tape. I wore it out. I watched it so much I knew the whole movie and all the songs by heart
 My parents hated it, I watched it so much. It's still one of my favorite movies to day. 
They don't make movie's like they used to. 
    RIP. Loretta Lynn


Am I the only one who cries EVERYTIME I hear this song??? I am soo incredibly proud of this woman who never forgot where she came from. Honor thy mother and father, the meek shall inherit the Earth. Follow your Bible it is all true, if you don’t believe it, look closely at this woman.


amazing performance


I loved this film as a teenager ❀ Been a while since I've watched it


She sounds just like Lottera Lynn i own the movie πŸ’˜ it


This movie and song is a classic ❀❀


Do i rem this ..ty sissy in every role youve chosen you owned it .i rem xarrie be4 this..i saw it with my girlfriend who was helping me thru really racist bullydom..he took me and when prom scene started i stood up cheering and turned around seeing everyone else sitting horrified clutched to their girl friends and boyfriends..my girl was only black girl in that audience..dunellen wasa sundown town..tysissy and el , loretta too ..love all of u!!!❀❀❀❀❀❀❀


That's one thing I can say her and Dolly and Elvis didn't forget where they came from there was a lot of singers back then that was dirt poor but the Lord blessed them with their voices ❀❀


With the song itself, though autobiographical, id say is a stark reminder of "Never forget your roots, who you are, or where you come from!  Be proud of who u are!"


My mama from Harland




Where can I see movie