Day one of asking for an free P1
Now you gotta make a big one
I am seeing this only like an hour after I bought an a1 mini 😂
Is this legitimately Bambulab employee or smt or is this just a person who likes Bambu because I have a question.
Please free the orca
Those little things got suspension!!!
when is the new printer coming out?!?!
Except it doesn’t look like a Jeep it looks like a new Bronco
What is the price of this printer....?
I need 200 dollars and I can afford your Bambu labs a1 (not the mini)
Y’all should send me a a1 so I can do a review on it because I’m trying to make a printer farm please 🙏
Pointless if the wheels don't turn
(我要帮助)I need help. My p1s has an issue where mid print, it will stop extruding. I’ve cleaned the nozzle and done cold pulls, but it still holds the issue. Pls help :/
Day 24 of asking for a free 3d printer
If my comment gets 500 likes, could I get sent a a1 mini?
Day 23 of asking for a free 3d printer
Day 2 Of asking BambuLab for the A1 Mini Combo🫶😁👍