
The Best PC's in the Galaxy - https://starforgepc.com/falloutplays
Tune in next Tuesday btw.  Just sayin.


Xur just released all these weapons I want but I ran out of deepsight. Boutta drop a diss track on him.


I just wanted to thank you Fallout for all of the work you do for keeping us updated every week. We love you.


You’re acting like any of us still have harmonizers left lol. I’ll definitely get a few calus mini tools to save for the next time we get any more harmonizers.


"Stay tuned to my channel next Tuesday trust me". Calling it now, he and some other youtubers got to play something from Final Shape early, that's why Aztecross was on a travel setup for a bit


Been waiting SO LONG for callus and ikelos SMG’s. XUR FOR THE WIN!!


Just the fast minute, no bs, straight to the point. Thank you.


Xur finally being good is a god send before the next dlc


I would kill for some deep sight harmonizers bungie


a min video with all the info needed thanks fallout🙏


Bro made me think he was selling harmonizers, COME ON MAN.


Welp, time to buy some Calus Mini-Tool dupes for the sake of being able to craft one with Incandesant next season.


Depsight harmonizers should give you the blueprint


Unfortunately I’ve run out of harmonizers left so I hope to unlock this all steadily


fallout my goat, i have notifs on for kackis just so i know to be on guard for your upload later


Waited a week for that Peace thank you.


Thanks Fallout!


I don’t need to craft any weapons, I already have my ballyhoo, thanks.


I have an important DPS question that I’m unable to reliably run the numbers on. Which rocket launcher perk combo is better: two rockets with Recon/Bait and Switch, or 4 rockets with Recon/Bipod?


Im going to do Final Shape with my almighty Sunshot Solar Hunter and nobody can stop me