Tip for Ramond; Hé Ray - vermoedelijk de langste timmerman in NZ - ik vind het altijd leuk om jou bij Scott in de video te zien. Soort van Nederlandse trots. Leuk dat je het daar 'voor elkaar hebt' maar ik moet even een beetje oud hollands katten maat. Dat was geen waterpomptang maar een pijp- of pijpentang, ook wel stillsonsleutel (naar de uitvinder, Daniel C. Stillson). Sorry maar ik ben een beetje gereedschapfreek enne,....nou ja. Hoop jou en Scott nog veel te zien, jullie zijn een goed koppel en maken prachtig werk. Groetjes uit Holland
Oh I hope we get more Scott and Ray when the house is done. What a team
As a Dutch person I love seeing Ray in these video’s. Although I knew the term “waterpomptang” I always thought it got its name as a tool to remove water pumps. Until Ray explained the handle of the plier is similar to old waterpumps. Amazing what you can still learn.
Thank you, Scott. We visited New Zealand and hiked through native forests like these, including at Abel Tasman National Park. They were one of the most beautiful things we ever experienced. I'm glad the people of New Zealand are trying to preserve something of what they have.
Hi Scott and Jess. Great channel. Finally got round to subscribing to you guys. I have nearly seen all your videos after coming across your channel just before you moved to Nelson. I found one of your videos on building steps really helpful as my son is living/working on a dairy farm in Waikato and previous contract milker built a deck in front of house but didnt make steps. son is really busy as is owner so I offered to build some steps but stringer method looked to complicated so used your series of box type steps method. It worked well and the owner was pleased enough to pay me a few hundred $$, crazy, as I was just doing it for my family to access deck easier. So thank you Scott for the great tuitional videos. Keep on building and I love the renovation work you are doing. I'm a retired farm manager and ramp worker and aircraft refueller.
**Q&A Question** Scott, have you always been so level headed and calm about the building process? If not, then any tips on how to not stress out like crazy when managing a big job? Just also wanted to say that I have loved the channel ever since I started my apprenticeship all the way to now as I’m starting my own building company in Sydney (Benchmark Carpentry). You’ve been a massive inspiration to me along the way, not only the work you do, but your attitude towards life seems to be so genuine and ecstatic. I hope renovating your own house is living up to the dream. It’s been an amazing 400 eps. Thank you for sharing a slice of your life with us. Truly thankful to you and Jess.
Exact same marital thickness planer I have. Had it for about 10 years. You won't be disappointed with it; for its size it does a great job. Hook it up to a dust extractor to assist getting the woodchips out the way. Can you include Ray in some of the Q & A? I'd be interested in knowing the ratio of hours you spend a week in; planning, buying matrials; doing the job; time taken up positioning and recording; number of cameras you use; time spent at the computer preparing the episode; etc. Love your work guys!
Ray, hoover head, thicknesser. Funniest thing I’ve seen in a while.😂😂
5:52 Nailed it with the dust collection mate 🤣😂🤣
Why doesn't Jess start her own Gardening channel? She has some notoriety now, and this great platform to help it grow. Sort of a Learn with Me channel but she's learnt so much about it, she knows far more than the average person. Her knowledge on this would be really useful. Plus, it has the potential to double your income, and double your sponsorships and finally Jess can get into the Free Stuff. :D
A perfect "Scott Brown Here" - a tour de force of Scott Brown Here-ism. Early in the vid, element of surprise and perfect delivery. Encore. 10/10.
Hey Scott, wanted to thank you and Jess. My wife (also Jess) has started watching your channel w me, and she's been inspired by your Jess to help me with house stuff. We're having a riot building a greenhouse together. Thanks from Canada!
Hey Scott! Love your work. Not sure if this would fit in your Q&A: As a hearing care professional I’d love if you can keep promoting hearing protection. We see a lot of noise induced hearing loss in tradies and it often is because they don’t bother with proper PPE/ear protection. Paying with permanent damage to their ears later. Thanks mate!
I’ve watched it again SBC .. so good guys.. Scott & Jess your house is looking good!💐🌸😎☀️
Ahhhh, floor sanding. That can only mean "dust storm!" inside the house. Back in the day (late 1980s) I had my previous house in California where I had the carpeting removed which exposed beautiful oak flooring. Needless to say I had it removed and refurbished because it didn't have a subfloor. The contractor saved all the oak flooring planks and refurbished then reinstalled them. The sanding part was the worst part of the project because it created a thick layer of dust in many areas.
Congratulations on the 400 episodes! It's been a long journey.
My house rimu studs, joists, beams, matai floor boards. Built 1923. 100 years ago in September. Same family owners 👍👍
That interior is really starting to look like a place. Terrific.
Our family love watching your channel, especially our 5 year old. We would love to hear your ideas on simple ways that the kids could get involved in house renos. Congrats on 400 eps!