
I lost everything and God restored everything I lost in my life


I was homeless, I had nothing to offer, always sleeping on the street, until Jesus sent me a friend who helped me... I got a job & was managing till I met a co-worker who helped me introduce me to MS CHRISTINE EVELYN MACKIE ... She changed my life and now I have a home, a wife, a lovely son and a new identity... HALLELUJAH


I fully understand this. I was working 6 days a week, barely having time for my family because it was mandatory to work 6 days. So I quit that 9 to 5 and now I’m working on things we can do as a family to have financial stability. I know God knows my heart and will make a wayπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ




Thank you for sharing.




Where does you get these beautiful women from 
they are so beautiful and powerful 
and strong. who you bring to us to
share what on theirs hearts God blessings be upon you always.




Thanks so much for sharing, I work in corporate environment sometimes come back would forget to just ask my kids how was they day, and since my daughter who 7 would ask me then I'll remember to ask them. So I am practicing to give them attention when I come from work from when I fetch them from my helper and I'll see smiles so this is real things we experience as mums,, Thanks once again my Sis Naledi aka SJR for discussing such topics in your podcast you really helping us will make sure to catch up the full episode ❀