Breathe, Listen, Trust Yourself.
Man, it’s 10am, i didn’t want to cry
I too feel this. But even after constantly forcing myself, I can't seem to get out of my head.
This video is a blueprint of my ADHD symptoms.
Amen! Love this. I think this goes along with people pleasing. All to much in our heads when we just need to do what makes us happy!
Wow the way you describe what am going through is so accurate
I love the tone of this video as much as the content. Thank you for a kind and knowledgeable and caring male voice.
I have trained myself to perpetually be in a state of anxiety. The anxiety is the voice that says “crap! You forgot this!” We all experience it but I have it set to overdrive. Where I’m constantly hyper vigilant about everything that needs to get done. Even things that aren’t pressing right now. Like having to use the restroom. The slightest sensation of needing to go is high on my priority list. So I go frequently to get it to go away. One less thing.
I love your content!! Your voice is very calming for my noisy brain.. helps me focus 😅
So wise yet so simple Love it Thankyou 😊
If we stop thinking we will stop feeling. We must do both! Not thinking is often why I end up on my phone looking for comfort and stimulus. If I don't think I end up listening to whatever I feel like I want to do or too much to the world outside instead of giving myself a good talking to and getting on with what I need to do. Feelings whilst are needful are not to be all together trusted in and of themselves. They are constantly changing and not always stable. We have been created with a brain to think for a reason. We must use our brains and not become driven by feelings alone. Our brains get massively overwhelmed and overloaded yes but stopping thinking to feel more I don't believe is the answer. People already feel way too much and don't think enough anymore. It's often why we find ourselves making rash decisions because we don't think things through properly on days when we can think clearly... Absolutely I realise there are days when we're too exhausted to think much but perhaps we need to have some days where we can just do something that enables us to relax or have a day out but we still need to think. Overthinking is often our problem, not 'thinking' itself. We're not zombies!
This one is really good. Respect, from a 53 year old with adhd.❤
Thanks for this video. I find you so inspiring actually...
Meditation will help. People with any issue like adhd anxiety or depression they just dont understand their true power. Do meditation without anyone help. No guided meditation please. Simple relax and sit at quite place and concentrate on your breathe. Think divine power protecting you and surrounding and tada . you will slowly know your power. Initial days u might go little down mental or physical health wise but dont stop then you will get bliss. Do bit nature walk connect with water air fire earth and sky. Write your thoughts and experience in diary. Bring your thoughts into reality. All the best.
Beautifully simple and powerful. You and those around you will feel the wonderful effects.
Literally right now
Thank you for this!
I need to get rid of listening to songs while studying. It diminishes my productivity. I have tried everything. Please suggest something
Any advices on how to do that? Feel that that’s really for me, but can’t understand how to stop being uncertain about my feelings