
Wanda is definitely a legend.


I love her powers and how they developed throughout the movies


2:00 this transition tho 🔥


I think Wanda Maximoff is the Most Powerful in MCU, She isn't the strongest but she is powerful.


When she fully developed her powers, she created her own world which is DANG COOL.


Elizabeth Olsen Is So Hardworking


the book that wanda was reading could've been one of the books in doctor strange


2:04 that transition was AMAZING


She have power of darkhold, skarlet witch, and the stone of reality this is wonderful


I know it can't be just me who loves Wanda than most of the MCU right?


1:19 and 2:03 damn that transition was on 🔥 absolutely love this edit!


Legends don't die, they just change shape


This is a masterpiece


I love this song and she is a legend


Wanda Maximoff is absolutely the strongest, powerful and beautiful❤️


Legends never die is like a heart alone and breaks with love for this vid


2:01 Well, that transition has taken over my soul and I want it back...


Love this edit, well done! Wandas character development is insane from insecure orphan to an badass mommy witch.

Can’t wake for Doctor Strange 2!


I think the dislikes are from the people that wish they could edit like this
not about Wanda cause she is queen


She is a legend 
An Ultra Legend
She can kill everyone in the multiverse if she knew how to control her powers