I just feel like it needs to be said again, Sam and Joe are awesome. Period.
At @31:35 John pays Sam the compliment "...because he's the better cabinet builder than me". Sams work on this cannot be denied. The finished room is brilliantly executed and looks amazing.
Gotta laugh cause it’s a surprise for John’s wife, but he’s talking about storing all his stuff in the hidden cabinet 😂
Honestly it seems like Sam is an extremely valuable member of the shop. Like he is constantly doing good work and having good ideas and he even has a great personality on camera. He was a good choice to hire like seriously. I see it in every video really. What ever happened to dude that does all the cnc work? I forgot his name😢 I haven't seen him in awhile on either channel.
28:17 ~ John, just a heads-up, if you have any manual/automatic movement watches, sticking a magnet in there to hold them in place is going to magnetize the watch. Basically ruin it's ability to function properly.... And at the end of the video, I'm seeing a real Rolex Submariner with a real Rolex box in the background. Oh John, what have you done. Try to get a cheap watch de-magnetizer off of eBay. If that doesn't fix the problem, that's going to be a costly visit to a Rolex service center.
I'm not into carpentry, I may actually be one of the worst at it. But I really enjoy all your videos. I think a big reason for that is that you A. you explain everything like we're are dummys and B. that your videos most of the time show the entire progress from start to finish. There are no 10 episode series when it could all be one video, it's really appreciated.
Professor Sam should teach cabinetmaking classes. Guy's a natural!
Magnets near watches can cause problems. I had some problem in building a watch box, gotta start with watch pillows and build “outwards”
Am I the only one that started laughing when he said “we are going to blame the kids for this” as the camera is panning around his and Sara’s clothes? 😂😂👍🏻👍🏻 Well played, John… well played 👏🏻 always blame the kids!!
Nice build! For the watches, I'd wrap the watch around a thick dowel, and then have semi-circle cradles on either side of each cubby to support the dowel, short enough that you can lift out the dowel. Love the channel!
Awesome, absolutely love it. Great idea with the sit / stand desk hardware. Only thing I would have done with the hidden cabinet is have the shelves on both sides.
I liked the video at 0:13. Solid intro lol
What a great addition Sam has been. Great stuff John
I’m in Leechburg, I’d kill to work with you guys. Been in the film industry the last few years, and I paid for my college by welding. You guys build some of the coolest stuff!
A fun build. Particularly liked the repurposing of a standing desk for the hidden compartment. That said, not a fan of having a non-locked gun storage option, particularly in a house with kids
Missed an options for a bit more storages, but I will say that is a bomber closet. Huge! I would have stacked the washer and dryer and put in shelving with a false back so you could access the the plug an vent behind it. would have made for a odd sized and shaped shelf, but perfect for baskets for dirt laundry storage or maybe some other kind of storage.
Absolutely love the mini this old house vibe John 👏 love to see more of these in the future. P.S. need to make something cool for Sam. For all the awesome stuff he does. 🥰
Do not put a magnet near your automatic/mechanical or quartz watches.
0:50 "we have no storage". Has an entire room as storage. Bruh😅