I can’t believe you’re offering these for free. You sir are amazing. Truly.
Where have you been all my life? Finally, someone who knows how to teach Photoshop. 99% of folks teaching Photoshop on YouTube are incomprehensible. And they talk so fast you don't know what the hell they are talking about!!
You have a gift and it should not be given for free! Excellent work teaching!!!
Unmesh, this is a dream come true. I'm an old guy, 77, and I need all the help I can get. Two or three times repeat and it starts to sink in. Thanks for this series.
23:22 "Another long way of doing that, if you are charging by the hour" - got me so hard. 🤣
I started learning Photoshop just 2 days before your first episode. I swear, it was the happiest moment of my life when I got recommended with your Photoshop lesson. I really feel lucky that I'm learning from you because I used to get intimidated with the abundance of tools in Photoshop. But somehow you make all that so easy. You are really a good teacher. Thank you so much for your lessons. I hope we will get to learn much more from you.
The most premium channels but free .............
Shortcut Keys: 0:51 Transform : Ctrl & T 4:08 Adjust Puppet : Hold Alt & Drag 5:12 Selected Merge : Ctrl & E 5:37 Merge All : Ctrl & Shift & E 7:50 Solo Visible : Alt & Click Eye 8:45 Zoom On a Layer : Hold Alt & Click Layer 15:42 Opacity Brush/No Brush : Press Numbers 17:55 Adjust Fast/Slow : Hold Shift/Alt 19:36 Deselect : Ctrl & D 22:22 Crop : C 23:07 Copy Layer : Ctrl & J 31:10 Copy : Hold Alt & Drag 32:09 Align : Hold Shift & Drag 32:26 Create New Layer : Ctrl & Shift & N
I've been using photoshop for ~5 years and I WISH I learned it with such a wonderful tutorial - I wanted to skip through parts of it, but the part I skipped to was just so well explained and I couldn't stop watching. Absolutely wonderful work, it brings me joy that you're creating wonderful tutorials for new people who are just learning how to use the wonderful app that Photoshop is
I am taking a Photoshop class in college, and I am learning more from you than I am from my professor. Don't tell him I said that, he has a bit of an ego. Thank you for making it a lot easier to understand. Every problem I run into, you seem to have a video that explains it in the simplest terms to understand. Thank you.
I am a software developer breaking into design a bit more. I watch A LOT of tutorials and instruction videos from many many different creators. You, sir, have set an extremely high bar, these are some of the best-produced and highest-quality tutorial videos I have ever seen on YouTube and your explanations are extremely good! Thank you for this! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Hello Umesh, Jose from Puerto Rico. I've been a subscriber to your channel for years, and even bought some of your Photoshop tools. Even though I understand these concepts, your gift for teaching makes me watch everything all over again. The way you explain things is remarkable and so easy to grasp. Thanks for all the years of your hard work and the joy you've given me to use Photoshop everyday.
You make learning looks very simple.........this is also a talent.
You are an outstanding educator! I have struggled with some of the more basic concepts, but finally grasped them because of your style of teaching. I can't thank you enough!
I’ve been using photoshop for over 10 years now and I STILL am learning things. This is the best PS channel on YouTube. Thank you for your kindness
thank you so much for these amazing tutorials, this is by far the most helpful beginners guide series, you are such a good teacher unmesh!💙
I am 62 years young, and really Unmesh, wonderful to watch you explain things in a very lucid and full of examples way. Thanks. I'll keep watching.
Man you're like the best teacher ever. And not just on the subject. I wish there's like a course on how to teach like you
Thank you so much for these lessons) Would like to add one tip for everyone who needs it. It is very convenient to use Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E (Command+Shift+Option+E for mac) in order to merge all visible layers on A NEW LAYER, while using only Ctrl+Shift+E without Alt (or Command+Shift+E without Option for mac) allows us to merge the visible layers on same layer, so adding Alt/Option helps to save all created visible layers if you need them and also place them merged on a new layer additionally. For opacity shortcuts will also mention how to set 100% and 0% opacity Press zero to set 100% Press zero quickly twice to set 0%