Great to see SpaceTriangle and Bird Up still alive Also 9:10 find it funny how Triangle peeked over charged up like that
6:57 the way triangle looks at his arms when the America fire arm bit started ahahaha
Me seeing this in my feed: A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
The fact that all of this came from just a thing that this guy made and turned it into a full-blown story with tons of lore is amazing.
Before watching: HOLY CRAP! DEST! After watching: HOLY CRAP! THE COUCH!
IT’S FINALE HERE (edit:for the people who said I misspelled it, I purposely spelled it that way to be funny ;)
Jefferson Blunt! My Man! You really out-did yourself here buddy. I am so hyped for part 42.
6:54 I love how they use the same couch from the monkey and triangle watches Godzilla vs kong
I love how flexible and bouncy the animation is. And the amazing tone of the story along with the fleshed out characters makes me feel like I'm in a movie theater watching a big budget movie. blunt brothers productions you have come along way.
6:10 Rodan: for the last time I’m not a bird Cole: yea well you screech like one! Rodan: “bird noises “
2:26 poor Triangle, look like it hurt
Aww yes here we go. The return of our two frenemies again. This is gonna be epic.
You're animations are getting better by the day.
So is one gonna talk about the face Monkey made at 2:33 when that fish guy said "Not so fast, fellas"?
YOU CANT END IT THERE! THIS WAS AMAZING AHH, i love rodan and destroyah glad they are in it and the drop of kong/monkeys brother? Cant wait for more
8:59 BluntBrosTV on the screen, love it! 😅👍🏼🔥
2:20 Nice crawly the gnome camoe
“COLE?!” Funniest shocked face and words ever