
the sheer confidence in her skills knowing she would look good is what i aspire.


If i did that i would look like a butchers delivery boy from 1920 lmao....you truly are an old time beauty...Clara would approve for sure xxx


I agree with the earlier comment.I can't stop watching your awesome vintage/ modern creativity. You are a classic beauty/ and a old soul.


The Josephine Baker look! Stunning!


Honestly, that hair is gorgeous and looks like you painted it on. Mixed with the outfit and I’m reminded of superhero comics back in the 70’s and early 80’s when they’d have all these gorgeous civilian looks because the pencillers started out as fashion illustrators.


It’s giving Josephine Baker 😍😍😍 You can pull off literally ANY look 🔥🔥🔥


Erin is walking art...just divine


I enjoy how fearless you are when it comes to altering your look. 😊


I have never seen a woman that looks so beautiful in so many different hairstyles!
Always Absolutely Gorgeous!


That eyeliner though!


Your Circle Jerks tee! 💗✨ 
Love this look on you. It's as if you channeled the flapper version of you onto this plane of existence.


Ma’am I just love your energy, which says “f$ck it. Imma do it.” 😂😂😂


I LOVE your channel. Everything about it! I’ve always felt like I was born in the wrong era and I love that you put your beautiful things out for the world to enjoy. Very glamorous!


you look so pretty !! ❤️❤️💕💕


Erin is a work of art from her flesh to her bones!


Erin's videos bring a smile to my face 🤍


This must be an amazing feeling.. knowing no matter how it turns out you will still look beautiful. I have never felt beautiful in my entire life but it sure looks like it would be fun.


Erin, you are an entire vibe! And i am here for it. I swear, you could make a burlap sack look good. 🥰


these videos are so fun to watch even though i know for a fact itd be sensory hell for me


Almost every woman i know who rocks short hair cuts it themselves. My boss has a pixi cut that always looks fresh and unchanging. This is a very good skill.