How many Dyson Vacuum do you need? Canoopsy: Yes
The base model iPhones this year are far more feature rich in capable than previous years and as far as spec level is concerned it's closer than ever before to the pros, so for the majority of people it's the one to get, especially in teal.
I don’t relate to the hyper consumeristic artsy city lifestyle, but I do really like these videos. Well edited and satisfying to watch. That blue is also stunning.
I got a standard 16 recently, honestly love it
The Diddy sticker caught me off guard lmao
Ultramarine is such an awesome color and the 16 is so light weight, that I switched over from the 16 Pro. I look for comfort nowadays, not using half the Pro features anymore. Love it, effortless to pick up, and a joy to look at just laying on my desk. Gives off a fun vibe, while the 16 Pro is awesome but feels really dense and oddly top-heavy from the camera bump, so it's not really that pleasing to hold as the 16 is. To each their own, but the ultramarine 16 is where it's at this year.
Your videos are always so aesthetically pleasing. I watch everything else on 480p but yours on 2160p ❤
When I watch tech content, why not watch tech content that is produced this well. great vid man
Never skip a canoopsy video !
It's really saying something when there's more to say about the standard model than the pro model regarding an iPhone.
Love how an over £100k AMG has the engine management light on 😂
Thanks for making this video! This is just what I need to finally decide on getting the base iphone 16. I'm just waiting for my service carrier contract to expire before I jump in to upgrade from my iphone 11.
That ufo charger looks dope
Thank you for this video! I enjoy traveling to Toronto and also have the iPhone 16! Best phone ever, powerful and lightweight!
I like how you filmed the whole video, such a vibe!
2:08 The BENCH.....
I love your videos and your lifestyle. Always interesting and fresh. Thank you.
I randomly stumbled upon your channel when I was visiting Toronto couple of weeks ago, loved your videos. And guess what I am actually living in Tokyo so hmu if you want any recommendations or meet up for coffee while you are here.
did you know that you can empty the dyson, you dont have to buy a new one everytime one gets full