
Wow just wow!


That was kinda creepy! Glad they were just setting up a tent. You must see a lot of interesting stuff on the road.


I bet you see some weird stuff while out on the road.  The drone footage was beautiful 😊


Lol! I got a lot chuckles out of this video! That Walmart in Drumeller is where we stayed when we went to the Tyrell Museum with our son! I think it has been the only Walmart we've overnighted at (and we've overnighted at A LOT!) where yahoos actually came into the parking lot at night and ripped around squealing their tires. That was very early in our RV traveling lives and it didn't put us off Walmart overnights. Your drone shots were spectacular!! I'm even more eager to get a good drone. Just WOW!! You sure had an eventful night! F-bombs...possible dead bodies...late night tenters! Crazy stuff! lol! Not to mention your bizarre but tasty looking dinner!! Where do you find the dill pickle peanuts?? Gotta get me some of those! I head out for a few weeks of car camping north next week. Later than I had wanted, but had to wait for new winter tires to arrive. I am looking forward to it and letting life slow down a bit. Take care! Hope all is going well.-Sue


Breakfast of Champions


Thank you for sharing. I’ve had to leave nice spots for the same reason. Humans coming to beautiful spots with their filthy language—-f-bombs every 2 seconds and the older ones are just as bad as the teenagers in many cases. 
Nice work again, keep it up !


I was hoping you were the witness of some crime.  Makes good video.  Lol.