This man's LinkedIn profile is just a description of what he did in a McDonald's bathroom in 1997, and a description of the watch lists he is on and why he is on them.
The fact that these Reggie can get away with some of these ad intros are crazy
"A complex protein structure or maybe a collection of marbles." I can almost imagine reading this in a Lovecraft book.
This morning I woke up and immediately flew into a blood fueled frenzy. I didn't understand my motives, but I understood I surely was heralding a new age into our world. 5 hours later there's a new Reggie video. Coincidence? I think not.
I'd like to think 'Francois the Demonolgist' is some homeless arsonist pretending to be a grand wizard just with a Bic lighter killing God.
Reggie is the epitome of “There’s no ‘I’ in Brain Damage.”
Ah, Reggie temporarily came out of his adderall-infused haze to bless us with a video again, wonderful!
There is zero chance that reggie got a unibomber reference in for AN AD READ
So the “he killed god by lighting him on fire” is so much funnier when you take into account that Yog-sothoth is quite literally everything, like he/it is the universe xD
Reggie mentioned medications within the first 5 seconds it's kinda- Wait... what was I saying again?
3:07 library of ruina music I SUMMON THE ENTIRE PROJECT MOON FANDOM!
The only game more deranged is rimworld, what kidn of game allows you to watch your people go insane because of no tables while one is being stalked by a weird corpse while another lost his left eye due to the doctor going beserk during surgery and beating him lifeless all while your a cannibal transhumanist society?
For new players I recommend picking up the CoExpansion workshop mod by Nethermind, it's a little old now but I'm biased because I helped test it out for a few years. It expands most classes, changes independent AI behaviour, changes some spells for substantially less friendly fire and also comes with automatic garrisons for fortified and populated tiles which helps to stop early game deaths to wildlife.
Reggie. You are probably the best youtuber i have ever seen. I have watched all of your videos dozens of times and still laugh out loud. GJ man, you deserve fame.
5:18 that “but” gives of the same energy as someone saying “would”
3:00 Library of ruina music spotted, extra fitting for the very random dmg
0:26 not even 30 seconds in and we got the funny mustache man in the video
Lotta eldritch being risen from Reggie's friend group recently... But like the FBI in a Lovecraft story, I'm chosing to ignore it until it the smell of fish becomes unbareable.
Every time I see a notification of Riggie uploading a video, I just know that the Geneva convention needs to be updated since his last video.