The key to NASA’s moon landing would be to avoid BOEING.
It's easy to forget the smaller companies that are making our return to the moon possible. Keep up the good work, this was very informative.
Just started watching the vid, it's crazy how things have changed. A national space agency hired a private agency to run experiments, which hires another private agency to deliver the payload to space.
Thank you for this in depth and fascinating video update. It is exciting to see private industry taking bold initiatives in Moon exploration.
8:08 - The Fouth Mission???? Who does your QA, Boeing?
NASA has to describe how it has mastered the Van Allen Belts,to be able to cross it to the Moon.
I'd love a vid on why it's a space RACE. I can see it for pride, national tool, global dominance, resources, avoiding extinction.
"The Fouth Misson" definitely sournds morst interersting.
were going to the moon (2024) after some slight delay, we are finally going to the moon(2032) Lets go get in orbit and look at the moon (2045
I think it would be so cool if when astronauts get there and when coming back home they can bring back to Earth landers that an entity sent to the moon to explore and expired there. Like, "here's your lander/rover please find a nice place for it. :)
6:08 If scientists can learn how it's done naturally. Maybe we can recreate it for traveling space pods or for Colonies on other planet.
I’m a big fan on this 10 min as much information as possible but I think people will like less subjects with more details. 10 mins seems good. 👍
Great episode
We should never have left the moon to begin with the Apollo moon program should have continued on NASA leaving the moon was a big mistake NASA better not cancel the Artemis program either we need to get humans further and deeper into space.
We are going back to the moon! FAA…..
Thank you for a informative video.. it is a great idea to have private companies developing robots for moon exploration.. I’m no scientist but instead of all moon landing rovers… could someone develop a plane …helicopter drone for some of the mapping out the type of ground on the moon… would it be faster … or do these machines have to move incredibly slowly to get the information they require… thanks for the video.. regards Clive…
Informative video, I'm bookmarking. Robots are a better return on investment than humans in danger so far away with few options
Excuse me, is there any mechanics system to relocate the gesture of the landing machine, when the spacecraft failed to land vertically?
I know this is not related, but has anyone done the physics / probably of the Space 1999 Eagle lander? I understand that it is SciFi but I would like to see the science behind the Eagle...