I wish somebody loved me like The Breakers developers love their game.
0:38 the music and visuals here are insanely hard to
Hey you, you're finally awake
Well…that was unexpected.
Wario: "Here I go!" Maaan when I heard Magenta say that...
damn another season 0: i wish devs would fix the nat stuff to not drop me out right after finding match -_- cause of that i didnt play longg time so i hope with new season new hotfixes will be also in
How does this have seven season whereas Storm Connections might not even get a season 2??
So what characters villains gonna bring up next
That looks cool af
Oohh! What an excellent idea! Good stuff! 👏
Breakers is alive woo
Holy shit Mario killed a guy
I mean yeah that’s pretty cool
Honestly there is a lot of wrong thing in this game but you surprised me, good job for once.
We want the release date of Little Nightmares and please We want the release date of Little Nightmares and please
Okej, to było dziwne
anybody play this yet?