
Dude can u do my room transformation


The dad thought he was holding the ball😂


damn dude this story telling is amazing love it 😅


Thank you so much for making my life 110 percent better❤❤


This was posted on my birthday


and very creative


Bro ngl i would pay my man a ticket to America to turn my setup into my dream gaming setup. (Dantic i got a guest bedroom).  :) anyways i love your yt channel i watch it probably to much lol


Pov the dad:Son i just wanted a new tv to play wii,what us all this?!😅


nice video dantic


Omg that’s sad he broke his TV, but you do a good job kid


Just discovered the 2nd channel


Can ask? How to soundproof a room on the 2nd floor? His voice was always heard on the 1st floor


hey dantic, can i pls have a free pc i would be eternally grateful and i will like every vid you’ve posted. u inspired me to get into gaming and now i always dream of having a setup


wish that was me man


Another channel?! WW


well dantic the "GOAT"


Yo can u build me an  gaming setup


Jesus is allways There for you, Never forget that ❤✝️


Hey Dan can I renovate my bedroom . Please 🙏🥺


Hello im a big fam and ive been begging my parents for years to let me get a pc but they have always saids its to much , it would mean the world to me if you have an old pc that you could send to me