
It’s nice to have the original Scott Brown style videos back 👌 really any Scott Brown videos are a win!!!


It’s nice to see a comment section on a builders channel not complaining”your doing it wrong” it’s nice to know that actual tradesmen know that building regulations are different not only in each country but also in each local authority.


Been watching for a few years now  and see your squarespace ads. I finally got around to making a website for my business. Saved me $30 using your code. Thanks for the great videos, watching them has made me a better tradie over here in Australia.


I grew up in Nelson and haven't lived there for well over 10 years but your b-roll makes me so damn homesick. Look forward to every episode.


The leaking house fiasco was a difficult time for many homeowners. They are still paying to resolve a problem they never created. Their homes fetch less
than market value and they are stuck with a house that has problems which no one wants. Thanks Scotty for the build share.


Alex Ainley, former Highlanders lock now builder😮


In Canada, we call those exterior vertical battens a rain screen, allowing any moisture, like you mentioned to escape and also to let air move behind the cladding to dry any hidden materials. Amazing to see your new construction vs your old homes.


With regards to the Windows on the outside of the framing, this is slowly changing, and more of our NZ projects are now rebated to allow for better thermal performance.


11:15 It actually makes a lot more sense to put the glass in line with the insulation, if you don’t there will most likely be a gap where both of them meet. 

In my construction engineering study this was one of the things they put emphasis on when designing insulated walls. Might be a european thing? (Dutch based here)


Absolutely loving the fall/early winter vibes at the start.


Awesome stuff Scott I was in the building  field when I left NZ 35 years ago its move on a lot love your videos Thanks for posting them


In the uk we usually double batten our cladding for the same reason you mentioned but by doubling the batten it allows for more airflow.  Great episode as always Scott 👍


There are window systems in New Zealand that are installed so the glazing is inside the insulation line. Centrafix is one such system that is slowly starting to gain popularity with higher-end builds. It’s expensive but thermal performance is close to uPVC windows installed on a cavity system.


5:38 Here BC Canada too. I’m only bringing my own hand tools and the rest is supplied by the employer


Not sure if you mentioned it but the batten gap needs to vent out on the top aswell. Otherwise the draft from the bottom of the system will pull the damp air up right into that leveled batten at the top. Which will cause it to rot quickly. I know this cause i work inscurance cases as a carpenter in Norway, and this is a common mistake i see alot.


Hey Scott, just wanted to say a big thanks to your videos! My husband and I are renovating our house and watch your videos on the regular to make sure we are doing it right as we are the owner-builders. Awesome content. Cheers!


The plastic tray at the bottom of the battens is a vermin strip, stops mice not so much bugs. I omitted to install this on a job once and was called out by a building inspector,  i retro fitted it and it actually trapped a mouse living in the cavity!


Great cinematography on this one. Love the shot at 00:29. Movie quality!


watching your videos are like being a apprentice from home. Learning so many small things about how Aus and NZ do things differently.


I grew up in that area and anywhere up the valley past Seymour gets little or no sun during the winter.