
This is the future of education.  Making concepts as illustratable as possible.


As a current junior in university pursuing a Mechanical Engineering degree, I cannot stress enough how helpful these videos are. Thank you for literally outperforming college professors in explaining the concepts, and sharing to the public, such a beneficial channel. Thank you!!


Please please please, continue with what you're doing. You're a great educator and you are helping a lot of students during this pandemic learn despite the difficulties. Thank you so much.


As an engineering student, this video has taught me more than a typical classroom. 

Not only can I rewatch the same material without having to reply on chicken scratch scribble notes but also it's explain in a way for me to understand and also visualize. Thank you so much for these! Definitely subscribing and going to watch more!


This is what Youtube was made for.


Excellent video. Keep pushing out content like this and you'll grow fast.


SUCH an elaborate and easy to understand video. Missed some lectures and was struggling, this video cleared everything!! Made notes too. Thank you so much!   -from an 11th grader<3


Cork is the best example of our entire lives.  So connected to main topic and memorable AF. TYYY


We need more YouTube channels like yours.


I always come back here to this channel. That's how magnificent it is. Let's support it and make it grow. Infinite gratitude for your outstanding work.


What a good production! Thank you for putting Poisson's ratio across in such an illustrative material.


One of the only engineering channels worth watching on utube....  The rest are just about job statistics and not academic enuf.... These videos could be used in real engineering classes....  They aren't talk shows....  These r super professional... No stupid intros and sales pitches....  Not for entertainment...  Just pure learning..  Love it!!!


Very well done.  I learned this principle in my first year of mechanical engineering but it was explained better here then I have ever seen it.  Great content.  Keep it up :)


From this video I drew several times more conclusions than from boring lectures on the strength of materials, where only were given two formulas and one drawing ;)


This is an incredible video that makes things easily understood.


The way you explain concepts are amazing and understandable,please make videos on more concepts.Thank you for uploading this.
As a subscriber waiting for more videos on useful concepts.


You're 3blue1brown of engineering version! Thanks for your efforts it's so easy to understand now. New subscriber. hehez


Thank you! Visual demonstrations make it much easier to understand these concepts. I learned Poisson Ratio from structural mechanics and material science books but always had difficulties to fully understand


It's undoubtable that this is a quality video series. Thank you!!
I want more videos like this.


I've been looking for a channel about mechanical engineering concepts for so long. Don't ever stop what you're doing!