
Thanks TV for joinin me: https://www.youtube.com/TrueVanguard


Any class that can crush tyranids and heretics is S+ in my book 
- Lord Calgar, probably


Biggest issue for me is that a lot of these classes and their weapons don’t work right out of the box, but the ones that do are literally class defining.


Sniper ammo economy isn't as terrible as many think, of course there's the 20 perk to refund Las ammo, but also for the bolt sniper the first Relic perk that grants 50% of shots landed upon reload as ammo, and that isn't just for the sniper but also the bolt pistol, as landing all 12 shots with the pistol will grant you a full mag to your sniper, which is fantastic for staying in longer fights (That and how all bolt weapons have some level of innate piercing)


Assault deserved better after that great campaign experience. I hope they balance it to make it better for PvE-endgame. :(


My thoughts on heavy is, that you will never run out of HP using the multi-melta. Surrounded by multiple Majoris is not a problem, your shotgun has wide spread and knockback property. The multi-melta is actually not for clearing the Minoris, it's for the Majoris and Extremist. Clearing trashmob sole purpose is just to create a path for you to walk, and heavy only issue is lack of melee. I've been spamming solo ruthless with heavy from below lv15, and parrying with heavy is not hard when you're used to it, just don't stuck at stance all the time (do a quick scope when needed), there's even a perk that increases your dmg when your Iron Halo is on CD. I think heavy is the only class that benefits both from when using ability and on cooldown. Just learn how to position yourself and that's it.


I am convinced that a multimelta heavy near an ammo box is near invincible.


Assault simply needs some sort of passive that helps it sustain itself during melee combat. Not being knockbacked taking a heavy hit sounds nice but the issue is that you can't even afford to take a heavy hit to begin with.


My main has been the Sniper, I tend to play it really aggressively and love using the combat knife and pistol in tandem with the las fusil, I definitely agree having a bulwark on my team is always great, it lets me be much more agressive and clear the majoris/extremis in dueling as well as sniping. 

This was a cool style of video with you talking with someone else, really enjoy your stuff!


Assault changes needed:

1.) big buffs to range damage reduction (their weaker area) & buff to damage reduction versus melee (they have no choice but to be a melee class to be effective)

2.) better HP recovery needs to be added to this class, no questions asked. It makes zero sense for ranged classes like Tactical to have this ability, but not a melee.

3.) thunderhammer needs a buff to damage all across each variant to make up for its much slower speed and recovery on being capable of parrying. 

4.) Rework Team utility perks and skills. If they really fixed this class survivability, I’d love some sort of ‘taunting’ ability to really make them a tanky class that they deserve to be


I like that you brought someone else to discuss and differentiate in this conversation. Makes it allot more enticing to watch differing opinions in a game I love


Heavy with Multi Melta and Plasma Pistol is just gold. Good for ad clearing and bosses alike.


Heavy being b tier is heresy.


30:32 the class perks shown belong to the Sniper, but you’re discussing Heavy here. Just wanted to point it out!


Bulwark better be upper tier or I'm  stealing Fallout's toe nails

Edit: he keeps his toe nails for now...


Having soloed about 80 Ruthless missions with sniper and not being able to even come close with most other classes I cannot take this tier list seriously .


The class you like most to play and have fun with. That's the true S-tier for me😊


Easier tier list: Does the class have access to the Melta or Fusil? If yes then A tier at least :)


Most people use Assault wrong, that's why they go down so often. If you hone in on perfect dodging and gun strikes, they're really quite effective. Definitely the most fun to play as


Guys, Perks wise, a Heavy with a Multi Melta, and Iron Halo on, shielding others that are shooting, while deleting anything in front of him, and having a Plasma gun as Side Arm, is S class absolutely.