Love your channel so much! Love your make up reviews, how you give us insight into routines & also some advice ♥️ always look forward to your videos!
I'm the same. I'm not a morning person either and tend to get up as late as possible before work. I have realized tho that I need to set enough time to ease myself into the day and do all the stuff I need to do in the morning (i. e. skincare routine). My day goes much better then. Nice video. Your makeup looks fantastic btw!
I can relate to almost everything in this video and I just love your calming energy. I subscribed your channel a few days ago and I’ll definitely stay. 💗
found your channel by rare beauty review and i binged watched your videos :) you gained a new subscriber!
Hey! I hope you can do a comparison video of the new CT glow glide highlighters to the rare beauty ones you reviewed 😊 I trust your opinion, thank you!!
Love this!!! you are the most calming person haha 🥰
LOVE Your routine so cute