
An instant parallel I saw was Proximus walking up and not acknowledging anyone. Caesar ALWAYS made sure to acknowledge & touch each ape whenever he walked thru the masses. Very telling


"What a wonderful day!" This line is already iconic


A charismatic leader twisting the words of a historical icon for their own benefit. Sounds very human.


Funny how Proximus took one of Caesar’s laws to heart ”Apes Together Strong” but not his most important law, ”Ape Not Kill Ape.”


Ive started off every shift at my job by shouting “WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY!” to the rest of my department ever since I’ve seen this


That symbol of Cesar’s old window being remembered is a very nice touch


I like how Proximus' salute is the opposite of Caesar's. Instead of the palm up "asking for permission" gesture, they all point their palms down, like they're asking him to guide them.




Caesar's words, but Koba's spirit


I love how Caesar is now basically like ”Ape Jesus”


To quote Ash: Caesar wouldn't want this


I knew he wouldn’t have lived to see it, but I would love to see how Caesar would react seeing how developed and literate the apes become. He’d at least tear up.


So amazing how a window frame became the symbol of the Ape religion after 300 years.


The voice actor who voices Proximus is absolutely fantastic.  The way he delivers his lines is just...chef's kiss.


Watched this in the theatres yesterday. All i can say is, it lived up to the expectations. Classic movies like this are rare nowadays. Excited for the next part.


I love how Noa is like "is this supposed to be a king?"


Love how this series turned bonobos from the most peaceful apes into absolute psychopaths


Now THIS is a villain entrance!🤯


I don't know why, but the silava spewing outta his mouth when saying "Wonderful" is so satisfying to me.


0:40 You can hear an ape scream “Caesar!!!!” it sounds almost like how koba screamed in dawn.