I love that woman! I hate it when people act like their dog is a servant or a lesser being to be 'mastered.' Good for her! If I lived closer to there I would hire her for our boy. ❤
Olá Liz! Eu chamo-me Liza e também sou do Reino Unido, como você. Aprendi o A-level do espanhol (melhor escolha da minha vida kk) e, graças aos seus vídeos consegui aprender português de forma rápida e eficiente. Queria que você saiba que é uma inspiração para mim e eu sou muito grata por ter encontrado este canal. Abraços desde Londres :)
Nice to have something different and the place is lovely. I personally don't like to train with food maybe only at the beginning. Thanks for sharing.
acabei de usar este vídeo numa aula com uma aluna que acabou de adoptar um cão, ela ficou super feliz!
Harry is adorable ❤️🐶Congratulations on you new addition to the family!
Que fofo!!! 😍 O gato é o teu dono, mas o cão é o teu amigo. Parabéns!💕
What a fun and interesting video to watch! We have three Portuguese dogs (Podengo mixes), that we have adopted several years ago and they live with us in the Netherlands who - we hope - are multilingual, but very often outside (if there are other interesting distractions in their opinion) also (can) have bananas in their ears, except when there are cookies, then they mostly speak 'the language of the food'
Beautiful dog.
My friends say "Anda cá!" (Cá with a hard C ) to their dog a lot, meaning "come here!" or "get here!". It sometimes works!
I have been saying Bom Menino, but the video said Lindo. Is Bom incorrect? And Harry is SO CUTE when he does that jump!
00:09 I know this street... 😁😅 Bem, agora parece que somos vizinhos (ou quase)!
Amei! Ajuda muito para praticar em casa também.
Most of the commands I holler at my dog who decided to adopt us two weeks after we arrived here by bringing us a plastic Christmas bell he found in someone's trash and camping on our doorstep with it in his mouth for 2 days until we relented are in Portuguese but I keep forgetting to look up 'lay down' so I am still telling him in Irish which was the language I used to speak to my previous. 😁
Harry's so cute.❤️🐶 Let know if you have suggestions for cats. 😺
Muito Obrigado ! Min. 3:00 Renata looks very much like the singer Ana Moura who sings a beautiful song in Portuguese. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2M81IOELPo&list=RDs2M81IOELPo&start_radio=1
My dog knows many Italian and Portuguese commands- however he is also selectively deaf in several languages :(
OK Liz, convenceu-me a comprar um câozito fofo. Mas ele não sabe uma única palavra de português. O que e que 😟eu deveria fazer agora?
Lamento, eu tenho dois gatos e nunca fala com eles em Português. Eles aprenderam de dar patas e de sentar se, mas tudo isso em Alemão. Os meus gatos apenas percebem Alemão. A minha empregada da limpeza as vezes fala com eles Russo, mas também eles não percebem as palavras dela. Na verdade, eles são gatos portugueses.