
Your FM series last year was the best. Would love to see you do some more with this dead promo right now


Go finish the heidenheim series lil bro


Can we get one last FM24 series 😭


You should still do the FM series with Zealand just on 24. The fm content was super fun when you did that with my idol GGMU


I was so excited of nick having a second fm series but unfortunately this is not the year


Nick needs to collab with Zealand and Maqwell and do a "Who knows ball", would be quality content


Completely the right move. Imagine buying a half baked FM in march and then having to buy another one (FM26) which is basically the same thing just 6 months later.


It was expected. The switch to a newer engine was such a necessary feature, but they dont seem to have adjusted.


PLEASE still do the series with Zealand when FM26 comes out. There is no way this wouldn't be the absolute best shit ever!


Man a series with you and Zealand would have been so cool!


Please still do a series with Zealand on fm24 , 2 of my favourite creators need to see them link up again 😂❤


Hoping we can see more fm from you nick , one of my fav series on the YouTube channel


FM games are basically database management sims, no shot in hell THEY didn’t have their data properly backed up


Whats good with fm is that you can easilu download an updated database and play it like a new release, but the new engine is so necessary as their current engine is so outdated


I would still love for you and zealand to still do that collab think it would still be great content on FM 24


Nick, your made for YT stuff is so much better than the streams. So nice to not hear "bro" "cold" or "cooked" every other word.


damn, how am i supposed to brag to my friend that I knew the wonder kids before the club signed him, FM is 90% of my ball knowledge 😭😭😭😭😭


I honestly kinda hope ea does the same thing one of the years


Mfs made 2 blog posts, one where they delayed it and now this and have the audacity to say they've been "open" about the challenges 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


It was the right thing to do. Never rush out a game. In the meantime I went back to LMA manager 2007. I had forgotten how much fun those games were.