
Bishop Barron never ceases to amaze me with his insightful wisdom and theology 🙏🏻


Because of the wisdom and knowledge of God  that he shares, I love to listen to Bishop Barron.


Jesus is the only name by which we are saved , Viva Cristo Rey


I have decided to follow Jesus, even when the road is not easy. ❤❤❤


I grew up Baptist and I heard the “either He’s God or he’s a bad man” described as “Liar, Lunatic or Lord” from CS Lewis. Although I am now Catholic, it is still good to have that paradigm.


Bishop Barron's sermons are my daily tonic, giving me strength, resilience, and wisdom. Jesus is Lord, thy Saviour.Amen.💖✝️🕍


This is Eternal Life: to know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent (John 17:3)

I can of my own self do nothing, as I hear I judge and my judgement is just; because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father which has sent me (John 5:30)


Jesus'  Words are so Powerful, Awesome, and Astounding!


Jesus is the only way, He is God incarnate, and He loves you, accept Him.


"Aut Deus aut malus homo"...I love learning Latin tidbits from Bishop Barron. It would be awesome to have a small collection of them; like a catalogue of points to remember.


I rarely agree with Catholics or their doctrines, but I concede to this one.
Amen Hallelujah praise the LORD.🙏🏾


*Blessed are those that believe but have not seen -
 *thank you, Bishop Barron, for teaching us to following Jesus


I am the way, the truth and the life! Praise Jesus!  ✝️🩸🕊️🤴🏻❤🫓


Glad that I am Muslim and worship One God alone


Look at that handsome man ! Love him … and I needed to hear this TODAY ! I feel like I’m losing my mind over beyond difficult family members who seem to have no Brains lately…UGH !




He is a prophet and not a bad man


I truly hope that one day, Bishop Robert Barron will be elected Pope. That would be absolutely stunning!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Oh !!! Jesus I trust in You. I believe, I believe, I believe 🙏


Jesus is the only truth, way and life to the father God and to eternal life in Heaven