What an asset! If anybody ever deserved an honorary Doctorate, Professor Kelly should be at the top of the list. World standard educator, tireless researcher, open to corrections and criticism, a role-model to treasure.
Great video! Three years later and I am seeing many 2017 Bolts that have been wrecked. I am buying one at auction and breaking the pack into a 20kwh pack for my RV and a 40kwh pack for my house. For far less money and much more capacity than a Tesla PW2. Perfect step by step instructions to help me get there faster. Thanks!
Watching all these Bolt videos again since I recently bought a 2023 Bolt EUV! Thanks Prof.Kelly!
I am so amazed to see your passion despite being seating on wheel chair . You are an inspiration to today's generation . Thank you sir for making such a great video 👍
Thanks Sir, Manufacturer will charge us heaps of money just to attend the battery disassembly course, yet will not be thorough like you taught, will remember you forever in my life Sir....God bless you.
It is fun to be able to see the design and build details of the Bolt EV battery sections and systems. I appreciate your emphasis on safety. Thank you for taking the time to edit, index and publish the video for all to see.
You probably won’t see this but I’d like to say a few things. I’m an Australian sitting at home not quite in the outback, but in the middle of nowhere and your video’s have just come up on my recommendations. I can’t stop watching them. You seem to inspire me. If you were in Australia, I would sign up for whatever you are teaching. I’m currently designing and building a 40 foot electric motor home. Now it’s not something I can buy off the shelf parts for so I’m designing and building as needed when money becomes available. Being self taught EV enthusiast. I would like to thank you for sharing your knowledge and please don’t stop doing it. You have just helped me to stop mulling over my cooling systems design. So thank you again and your students are very lucky. From the land down under
Thank for teaching about battery dismantling I just love learning about automotive newer technology thanks for the lesson
Being a Master Electrician for 40 yrs, I have to say this gentleman is really an amazing teacher! I subscibed right away! Keep up the good work!!
Thank you for the careful instruction. I really enjoyed this and learned a lot. You do these videos at a pace I can follow and understand, which is obviously very important given the many dangers messing around inside these battery systems. Much appreciated!
This man is epitome of a gentleman doesn't let nothing get to him even his handicapped. You inspire me.
I have always been fascinated by EV's and can appreciate the fine details that have been presented so expertly. What a great professor and instructor who has that elusive ability to make his subject comprehensible and generates excitement about it through his own passion for the subject which is most clearly apparent. I wish I had more profs like John D Kelly throughout my educational experiences.
Absolutely wonderful! My favorite part of the program was the best teaching moment: the battery removal tool. When Prof. Kelly took off battery pack #5, it was off-center. He figured out how to do it correctly after doing it incorrectly at first. It was such a great teaching moment! That truly is how you learn. My second favorite part was when he took the cooling tray off of battery pack # 4 and was showing it to us. When it leaked on him, I laughed right along with him! I would have done it exactly the same way, myself. Haha! And absolutely wonderful teardown of the Bolt battery pack. Thank you so much!
Wow. What fun to watch. I'm not an engineer, but it certainly is interesting to see how these things are put together, and Professor Kelly does a superb job of talking and walking us through it. Thank you sir.
As naive as I am, anyone watching your video not knowing what your video was about (did see the beginning) tested my patience to sit through it to the end. Very absorbing. My method of disassembling anything is to start at the bottom of the page and work upwards so that assembling in just working downward process. Looking forward to seeing you assembly video and see it you will get it working! Good luck.
As a 2017 Bolt owner (love the car BTW) and a DIYer who, from a young age, has always marveled at taking things apart to "see what makes them tick," I find the entire Bolt disassembly series truly captivating. I assure you, however, that I will not be taking apart my Bolt. I'm adventurous, but I know my limits!
Good to see people teaching battery dissambly, I rebuild Hybrid Batteries for a living & I'm always learning new things. There's going to be a lot of money in this industry these upcoming years. Keep learning!
The most comprehensive battery pack walk through available anywhere.
I purchased my 2021 Bolt based on your service videos, watched them all. With the battery recall happening I though it important to see this again. I am still very proud of ownership and think this to be an exceptionally well engineered automobile. Zero-scaped my property for water conservation. Giving back as much as I can.