Quality of your explanation is just super excellent...Best part is you are sharing your knowledge which normally people do not do...Thanks...you are like a mentor..
Wow, many, many thanks! Superb tutorial!
Thanks for the explanation. Helpful..
best of luck
Nice video, thanks.
how is this still so underrated on YouTube?
Very helpful.
Hey! I also have the D drive named DATA!!! ))) I looked and thought on a second that it is my PC))) And I also have C D E drives only))
Thanks, very helpfull.
you are great
subscriber nr 1000, haha
hi. i need a help that in vry first step in load checkpoint "ckpt_name" is always remain "undefined" i am not able to change it can you please help. thanks
error occured check point loader simple what i have to do?
How much do you make a month? Do you make any money out of all this? And if not why ?