
so you asked for lengthy ass comments last time, right? so here you are;
im really fucking happy right now, like in this moment. singing - not really singing lets be honest -  and dancing and partying all by myself, and i dont even care. ive just been watching/listening to hype ass songs, great to dance to and just getting high off music at 3am and it feels goddamn great. i cant remember the last time i felt like this, the past weeks have been extremely frustrating and the lowest ive been in a long fucking time and even though i know this is temporary rush, im just really enjoying this moment to just, breathe. i actually came here to try and calm my heart down and try to get some sleep because i have to get up in 3 hours for school but that obviously didn't work and just, i don't know. everythings gonna come crashing down in the morning and i will probably experience a really shitty low and be a bitch to everyone i come across but, i cant seem to bring myself to care?
i don't really know what the point of this was, i mean does anyone? (the answer is no, btw.) but yeah there you go a long comment....although nothing related to this song specifically so...
that guitar is everything and his vocals are on point. and damn these lyrics. 
i really love how the song starts off with just the guitar and the piano is slowly added. and can we just talk vocals again, like its really clear and full in the verses and then gets this raspiness? that's not the right word but, this raspiness to it in the chorus and just yes. and the breathiness of the last wild and world...basically i really fucking like it, okay.
'everbodys got a heart that's bleeding'
'everybodys got a loved one dying, and all of us are gonna go someday'
'broken hearts and broken dreams oughta come together'
also, its nearly 4 now. rip.


Black Ink Crew brought me here!!! I love this song!!!


Great job. Congratulations 🔥🔥🔥


Clean lyrics animation


Amazing ❤️❤️


Wow 😍


Shazamed it straight from Black Ink Crew.


Black Ink brung me here


here from black ink crew


Its 'everyones got a loved one die' not 'everybodys got a loved one dying'