“It’s a win win! I get content they get coins!” Ironman players: Also IGN is TreeTiers
That first floor 5 run was one of the best I’ve seen on party finder
im one of the victims in f5!! thank you so much brother, didnt get in the vid tho
bro experienced monkey finder in all its glory by throwing you are just being normal
the fact that his mod says monkey spotted every time he dies is so funny
I heard "something I'm actually good at" and then accidently yelled "CAP" before listening to the rest of the sentence..
Double underscore Mootje Double underscore
average monkey finder experience
legit flexing with 2 hypes 💀
Carry people in the dungeon hub who ask for a carry but fail the carry
oh my god that was BUTTER... OOOOHAAHHWHAOwHAA
Grampajoe always returns
Hey, I love your videos and I love your thumbnails, what do you use for your thumbnails?
Bro actually threw tic tac toe 💀 JJJGameplay
idea: carrying nons in f7 but trying to solo as cata 50
Lmao better than all the „buying Carrie’s as cats 50“ ign somewhtbored
ign: DSYK_ this video was painful to watch, great one but the throwing was hard! i need this money to recover. gimmy gimmy
15:42 lmaoo
I wanna go to a sunex concert