
"People didn't watch it."  Sir, Fox didn't promote it, they aired it out of order, and half of the episodes played at midnight because they where being preempted by football. People didn't watch it because Fox made it so they couldn't.


i agree Firefly is soo good and extremely rewatchable. thats where i fell in love with Alan and Nathan haha


There are I believe 10 audio books of Firefly that takes place between the end of season 1 and the movie serenity. Each one expands more on a different character. As well as different scenarios on different planets. Each one of these are about 8 to 10 hours long. It makes every book feel like half a season. Plus, the voice actor is really good at the voices. To anyone who enjoyed any of Firefly, I highly recommend going to audible and checking those out. I believe the first one is titled, Big Damn Hero. These are absolutely a treasure that needs to be shared.


As a huge Star Trek fan, I will agree That Firefly was one of the greatest sci-fis ever. It suffered at the beginning from lack of funding and in the end the studio is what did it in.


It’s awesome that Alan loves the show as much as diehard fans; his character is such an iconic part of firefly and it’s pretty evident that he enjoyed being part of it by his performance. serenity is obviously a great showing for wash but the episode where he and Mal get captured and the captain is antagonizing wash to keep him from giving up is such a great moment for both characters


I still have my box set. Great show. Glad we got a little closure with "Serenity".


Firefly was and is amazing. Fillion forever! 🤘😊


Firefly has character you cared about. It had mysteries intertwined with mysteries. It had love that couldn't be told even though it was dying to come out. It had all aspects of love and people questioning what and who they stand for. And a man, flawed by his own ideology, clawing out a freedom, who just so happened to find a family, who in the end, gave him reason and solitude. He "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one." There is a browncoat in us all and it's wrapped up perfectly in the theme song.


My dad finally decided I was ready so he let me watch it all with him over Christmas break, he didn’t tell me it got cancelled, I fell in love with the greatest show of all time then had it ripped away just as fast. He said “some pains you just have to experience yourself” (I’m 15 now but I still wasn’t big enough to handle it)


Firefly did what everyone wants the starwars shows to do; new adventures, new characters, new planets and locations every episode. Biggest difference is that the people making firefly actually cared about making it.


Cowboy bebop wasn't cancelled, it had a beginning and an end.

Edit: Apparently he was talking about the live action netflix show, oopsie.


Firefly IS the greatest TV show ever made. Alan Tudyk is so right on this one, there's been nothing like it before or after.


It was criminally underrated. A good firefly show now would absolutely rock, you'd get all the fallout fans as well as a decent chunk of space opera fans.


Firefly was all heart and character development and everything you could want from a show at that time. My brothers and I watched every episode and were bummed when it was canceled and so glad we got some sort of closure with the movie. “I’m a leaf in the wind”


Firefly was and always will be one of my favorite shows, just way ahead of its time


I will go to my grave on this hill. “Firefly” was one of the most precious things given to humanity… and then it was taken away FAR too soon.


My dad makes it his mission to watch Serenity at least once a week. He loves the show and movie so much. And Wash was his favorite character.


Firefly Is a western in space, anime bebop is a crime noir in space, live action bebop is a clown parade in space


I watched every episode I could of Firefly when it aired. Even with the time change and having the episodes out of order. It was a good show that deserved more.


I am a leaf on the wind...cried my eyes out.