
Yes I agree but it is a little painful having to treat grown people like children.


I have never had an issue with TSA agents in the airports that I regularly fly.
They're friendly, polite, and professional. They appreciate a smile and a please and thank you.  They're human just like the rest of us. If you treat them courteously, it will make it easier for everyone.


I totally agree. Being respectful will make things go easier even if they are not so friendly.


Most passengers indeed arrive TSA check points hoping benefits of favorable treatments awaits--on demand---but in absence of similar considerations for perceived intrusiveness of TSA employee's tacts - in so doing---enabling events known to disable brisk business even for themselves . . .


I know a story from the 1970s where a local executive with a Fortune 500 company flying back from business got majorly hammered before getting onto the airplane, and was subsequently cut off mid-flight.  He turned to the guy next to him, pointed to his briefcase and said, "that's ok, the bomb's in there."  Needless to say, the plane landed prematurely (he said "bomb" was slang for a hip flask, which I've never heard of before or since) and he dang near lost his job over the incident.  Translation -- never joke about those things!


Respectful yes, but unfriendly No! They are humans too, and greeting and thanking them for their service is always appreciated!


My experience has been that they are less than friendly.