“Everything that irritates us about others can lead to an understanding of ourselves.” – Carl Jung
“Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.” – Carl Jung
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.-Carl Jung
"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow" Dr. Carl Gustav Jung
Deleting social media was the best decision I ever made, because then I was no longer confronted by that idealized "reality" that people were showing.
“Within everyone there is light and shadow, good and evil, love and hate. In order to be truthful, you must embrace your total being. A person who exhibits both positive and negative qualities, strengths and weaknesses is not flawed, but complete. “ - Rumi
I read a ton of Carl Jung in my mid twenties. I was in a bad way, had thoughts of worthlessness and kept to myself, didn’t hardly go outside except to work. I’ve always loved books and there’s a magical old book shop high up in the mountains of North Carolina, there’s a cafe, a general store, and a coffee shop/book store. I’ve been going there since I was a child and in that book store, well it’s old, and has some very rare books and a very cozy environment. At the very back are stairs leading down to a man that crafts dugout canoes where a river flows next to the backside of these three stores, the sound of flowing water accompanied the sound of soft woodwork, a comfort to me in that place. There, in the labyrinth of shelves the wonderful smell of worn pages over many years greeted you in any direction of the maze you’d find yourself in, it’s magical. Eventually I found a book called Living Religions of the World by Frederick Spiegelberg, which I adore and credit that book for helping me get out of my descent. On the last page of the book which is completely blank, a woman named Cora previously owned it, and had written out a list of books. Two were written by Carl Jung, and I immediately bought them, consumed them and looked ravenously for more nourishment. Books can save you, especially when you least expect it. It makes me wonder how many lives are saved just because someone was able to relate to another, sometimes separated by 100 years. Or perhaps someone needed to read a number of words arranged in just the right way, that it speaks to you like nothing you thought could, can send you right back into moments you had forgotten all about, causing you to cherish those memories so much more.
I heard a quote recently that hasn’t left my mind since: ”A happy person builds their inner world while an unhappy person blames the outside world.” Phenomenal video and vitally important topic. Thank you for sharing; this channel is such a gem.
"We must not repress our darkness bit rather confront it." [ great lines ]
"The shadow becomes hostile only when it is ignored or misunderstood" - wise words 🙏🏽
After years of self reflection, I came to the conclusion that brutal honesty and self awareness are some of the most valuable traits one can have (along with gratitude and connection to nature). Following this way of thinking led me to realize that my urge to purge myself of my demons was a war against myself, and the healthier path forward wasn't a purging but an acceptance. After all that I ran into this video which beautifully tied all of my thoughts together, Wonderful stuff
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but my making the darkness conscious”- Carl Jung, Wow…
“Our good qualities remain dormant until we acknowledge the existence of our shadow”
If only they actually taught this kind of stuff in school, cuz it took me 20 extra years to discover these ideas. Great work!
10 minutes and 46 seconds This has done more for me than 3monthly 20 minute video calls with my NHS Psychiatrist over the last 2 years. Thank you
Dear whoever is reading this, I wish I could find a way to take all of your sadness away and replace it with happiness. I can't. But I can try. You are worth it. You have entire galaxies within you and an entire life ahead of you. You will do so much and meet so many more people. Keep going. Things will get hard. But they will also get better. Keep smiling. It's okay to cry every once in a while. It's okay to spend time alone. But it's important to keep gong.
“Depression which was the cry of the soul for growth” lord is that a bar oof 😮💨🔥🔥
This describes PERFECTLY what is and has been happening in our world.
It is actually pain and trauma that wakes us up. I stopped believing in a mass awakening (of love and consciousness...)but seeing now how everything is amping up considerably reignited my belief, which gives me hope despite the destruction. The dark reality was evident since I was a child...but now it is evident to mostly everyone in some form. The shadows are surfacing to be integrated...its fascinating how this is happening not only collectively, but globally. And yes, I do believe each of us create reality. And the real work to help the world is ALWAYS the inner work. As above...so below...