
Hi Millie!!! You probably won’t see this but I want to let you know that I’m a bigggg supporter as my dream uni is Yale and ever since i came across your channel, u have become my biggest inspiration!!!!! Keep on goinggggggg!!


i LOVE her outfits omg millie never misses


It's honestly emotional watching this, having found your videos near the beginning of the school year, and you're already one year down! You've worked so hard, time to relax :D also Irene is MVP, holy crap, queen of the Uhaul!!


This video makes me feel emotional 🥲(I'm also a freshman turning 2nd yr). I remember your moving-in vlog, you have really come this far! Good luck with your sophomore year, Millie ~


millie you are such a ray of sunshine! keep shining :D ur my biggest role model <3




At first I started watching Millie for fun because she came up on my youtube yfp, now I watch her videos whenever I can! You have given me motivation and I'm barely applying for Highschool!!! THANK YOU Millie ❤❤


omg the way I just watched your move in and then YOU POST THIS. AHHH im so excited for the fall


It’s very interesting to see the life of a student in the us from my point of view (i study in Belgium). It encourages me to have a bigger social life, because I am an ambivert person! 💕


6:40 your friend looks so over it lmaooo 😭😭😭


I'm so excited for your sophomore vlogs!!


Gosh love your videos so much. I’m struggling a lot with making myself study and with lack of aesthetics in my life. Your videos are really inspiring to try and get myself going


Millie is spoiling us 🤭🤍


I just finished my finals just now, and you uploaded!!! WATCHING IT RNNN


i’ve never been this early i love your vids!!! ❤️


cozy study-lifestyle vlog! ❤


Hi Millie, so the thing is you probably won’t see this, but you are my biggest inspiration to study hard and get into Yale cus thats my dream, soo keep going like that LOVE YOU💌💗💗(pd: english is not my firts lenguage so )


You guys (Yale students) are so lucky that your 1st year already finished while us 1st year students started 2 weeks ago-




OMG your vlogs are literally so fun