How the heck is it not a perfect casting? The amount of detail casted is amazing!
I am always amazed by people casting their own metal in their backyard.
I like it when artists show the failures along with the successes. Thank you for that. It makes the learning experience so much better. Enjoyed the video and the idea of turning my 3d prints into something more long lasting.
Oooh, I am amazed by your work and dedication, thanks for sharing your first try and not editing it away, it helps a lot to know a real process.
I was a jeweler and did plenty of casting. nothing that big. you turned the first negative experiance into positive sucess. Bravo!!!
Finally Someone honest on Youtube !!! He actually showed his mistakes or flaws that happened etc. during his process. Others just lie, show you a finished item or cut out things etc. I think this Guy deserves a thumbs up even if you don't care for that sort of art.
I like how you have numerous skill set kits and refine them with attention to safety. Every skill set becomes a new short term hobby to master, and later, a weapon to be deployed as a craftsman. I can relate.
Dont ever underestimate the quality of your work, your doing this at home and not in a proper foundry where the elements can be controlled, i think the results you are obtaining are amazing and you should be very proud of your self and your work.
Over two years watching Lost PLA videos and this is the first time I've heard of adding the "SuspendaSlurry" stage. I will be making my own 'slurry' to achieve the smooth/detailed surface. Thanks.
I think that it's one of the most impressive use of 3D printing
Thank you for showing your whole process. As others have remarked, this casting is perfect to most of us watching not just because the final casting was beautiful, but because you showed us how every project by every level of craftsman is fraught with difficulties and how to overcome them.
Worthy of appearing in an Indiana Jones movie! That would be an incredible top for a scepter or walking staff. Thanks for documenting your process and letting us see the final results. Superb!
This narration reminded me of the OG king of random videos when Grant was solo on the channel. RIP
This video has strong How It's Made vibes in the best way, love it.
great walk through. im glad you showed the first attempt and the problems you overcame
Imperfection gives character and a feel of oldness to it, never understood the drive for perfection.
I usually don't watch this kind of videos but i must tip my hat to you. You are a rock star!
It's amazing that even after all of that converting pla to brass you can still see layer lines. NOT taking anything away. That's a fantastic job. I'd buy it and proudly show it off. :)
I think it came out great! Thanks for showing the “fails” - so that I can learn from that!