
I'm typically not for regulation, but you got to get Wall Street out of the single family home business.  And while you're at it, foriegn countries should be prohibited from purchasing farm land and other critical areas.


I didnt even finish watching the interview. And Im already saying ya gotta get her on again. When things begin to unravel. She was great.


Leslie is the best interview yet.  Please bring her back.


We need to hear from Leslie  every 90 days as this economic catastrophy  unfolds.  Great job putting her on your channel!


He keeps interrupting her and making her lose her train of thought because he doesn't understand what she is trying to say and therefore changing the direction of the conversation never allowing her to make her point. She is very knowledgeable in this field and instead of listening to what she is saying he doesn't understand she's saying and interrupting her. She is not disagreeing with him he just doesn't get her points because he can't listen well.


My Uncle was a builder in the 1950's. Banks competed for interest rates lowering to get the loan. No qualifying. Every building he built had positive cash flow. He had fifty rentals by 1969 and sold it all out right before the great debasement (inflation). Now the bubble has inflated prices. Forty year bond bull is over, dead. We are going back to normal. People are freaking out going back to the norm, 7% mortgages, which is the 100 year average. We shall see how this all shakes out. Protect yourself.


I am young and cant sleep at night for the same reasons. Live in Chicagoland area too and work in real estate. Institutional buyers flooded the market, with easy money and compete with people who try to get the mortgage with high rates, high prices and income going down. Most likely market will balance out in a very severe way and if institutions will not be banned from buying residential, they will buy even more... Leslie is on the spot for sure, being very objective. Thanks for the video.


If I get a good tenant I leave them alone. So nice . I have tenants stay for 7 and 8 years. When they left they were able to buy there own homes. No reason to be a bad landlord. I made plenty of money and they were able to fix their credit and buy homes. Extra note I have had plenty of horrible renters .🥴


A google search gave me this. Makes me angry beyond words. 44% of flipped single-family home purchases were by private investors in 2023. Private equity firms have been carving out an increasingly substantial share of single-family home purchases, raising concern about the potential consequences for housing affordability and market competitiveness.Mar 15, 2024


I wish he would have let her talk. It's like he invited her on to listen to him talk.


to clarify, we do NOT need affordable housing but rather we need housing to be affordable!
And you're TOTALLY correct on the key to lowering house prices is to get rid of regulation which is what drives all the costs up.


I was a home builder in the 2008 debacle and like everyone took a beating. But that was a deflationary beast . This time it may be an inflationary beast. Which I am thinking is much worse.


I just love this interview. You’ve been knocking it out of the ballpark with the wisdom & experience of your guests!


Wonderful and thank you Leslie and Todd. Yes definitely have Leslie back.👍


Very insightful thread, my family and I plan on either buying land and a RV, drilling for water and solar panels. In order to be as self sufficient as possible. Or we wait until things crash and buy when the market crashes.


My gut is feeling like this is going to get crazy the next few years. Especially with the election looming!!!


Median apart rents in our area in 2019 were about $1,300. Now they are $1,800+. Renters are biting the bullet and paying it anyways bc they need a place to live, and can't qualify for a mortgage even if there was inventory for them to buy. The housing market is very sickly right now, it's completely out of balance and out of whack. This will either go 2 ways. First way, it will RTM over many years. Second, commercial crash will spiral into a liquidity crisis where financial institutions stop lending, and the Fed has to decide to either hold firm and let the crash happen, or are they going to slash rates and risk spiraling us into a 70's style inflation resurgence


Great hour long dialog.

I truly appreciate Sachs Realty podcasts.

24 years of RE experience in Title Industry & RE Sales Agent here in STL, MO area.


Greed is absolutely blinding to those that drink it. The Real Estate and Finance business only goal is to make fast money. Trust in the real estate marketeers has reached a new LOW!


Here's the story of our economy...

There was once a frugal, yet brilliant farmer who trained his horse to eat sawdust by gradually mixing larger proportions of dust into his feed every day. The horse was fully trained by the end of his life.