One minor detail about Guts that makes him all the more special. He knows what's waiting for him when he dies. He's seen Hell with a capital H, not just figurative like with the Eclipse. He knows that when he dies, all that waits for him is a spot in the writhing sea of raging souls that seek only to pull more in to join their suffering. He knows that his life has been utter agony, his death will be utter agony, and his afterlife will be utter agony. And yet he struggles. He continues to struggle, just for a chance. For one little shot at having something good in his existence. He struggles to survive, struggles to keep his loved ones safe, struggles to even keep himself in check. He struggles to live.
Honestly the mental breakdown of Gon is properly my favorite part of the chimera ant arc, like seeing a shonen brat become consumed by their own hatred is truly a something to remember.😺
8:18 I already cried watching this shit. It hits so hard. And I relate to several of the characters, even the antagonist
Why hasn't anyone mentioned how poetic nux was in this video?
In Warhammer, the Planet broke before the Guard did. In anime, the Body breaks before the Spirit ever falters.
Lelouch V Britannia definitely deserves a joker arc given how broken he becomes yet keeps going. Then to self actualize your dissolution to bring world peace now that’s an ending.
Gintama is a masterpiece for me. Sure the comedy can be goofy and is not for everyone, but the moments that are serious hit even harder and show the bonds the characters have.
Nux wants us all to believe he's some evil mastermind like Iago, manipulating everyone and never getting his hands dirty. But he's just Kyogai, a poetic softboy that's kinda bad.
You know its going to be a deep dive when Nux breaks out rhymes to keep us alive
The analisis of Kaneki's part is pretty good, but believe me when i say you need to read the Tokyo Ghoul manga, not only for better understanding of the "joker arc", but cuz it's for real just DAMN GOOD, MAN. There's a lot going on that got simplified in the anime even in season 1, and sadly, that whole arc was one of the victims of it. If you ever have time give it a read, it's worth it.
As someone who got into Gintama based off seeing how deeply you revered it, I am extremely happy to see it in this video, after I finished it, (outside of just wanting more episodes) all I wanted was to see you talk about it for a bit! So shoutout to you Nux, I’m glad you put Kagura on this list 🙌🏽
The thing about Jack is that he simple took the alias of the real Jack the Ripper, whom he killed, because he found the title fitting due to having killed his mother. The Jack we know was a killer who simply wanted to see fear wash over all other colors of one’s emotion, but he truly cared about people, he defended the weak and innocent and targeted the sick and twisted
Kaneki's need to protect his family at Anteiku was so extreme that he turned himself into a monster that, in the end, could kill that same family. His Joker arc may have been confusing, but it's only because he didn't get a chance to be himself. Someone was always manipulating him from Rize, to Aogiri Tree, to the CCG wiping his memory to hunt his family. And the only time he gets a fleeting chance to freely love everything gets ripped from him. Turning him into a mutual enemy to unite both worlds that only he (at that point) could see.
There is a good reason for the saying: Demons run when a good man goes to war
The thing that's hunting about the naruto bit is in the manga. The fox is telling him to remove the seal, and there it is: that panel. That blank, almost hypnotized, stare with the faintest trace of evil grin, and the "thump" of naruto slowly walking to the cage and starting to undo the seal. All the other times naruto was fighting back against the monster. Not this time. This time he fully embrace it. He WANTS it. "Just burn everything to the ground, just destroy him". That panel is the embodiment of the lowest point for naruto, the moment where he just gave up all hope and just wanted vengence...
I don't know if it quite qualifies as a joker arc but a lot of these remind me of suzaku from code geass. When he finally decides to abandon his morals and use anything at his disposal to achieve his new goal it's effectively a joker arc when you consider what that entails and condones. He's party to a plan that involves enslaving millions of people to use as human shields against nukes. This from the person that always sought to change the system from within by following the rules and specifically that the ends do not justify the means. The great part here though is that really, he was always willing to do whatever needed to be done but when he killed his own father to stop the war he became overcome with guilt and tried to lock that part of himself away. We see when he embraces it and his goals and methods finally align with lelouch, thats all the power needed to overcome everything else in the story. Man, code geass is such a masterpiece.
okay I know this isn't a comics channel, but Green Lantern Hal Jordan Parallax Joker Arc was my first Joker arc and im probably biased but i think it's very well executed, you both relate,understand, fear and condemn him throughout Edit: I know the whole retcon and the new lore or Parallax but i choose to ignore it when i'm looking at the story in isolation
so glad you talked abt kagura literally my favorite gintama fight and favorite arc
The Nux Laugh at the start was a great intro