Connor being Gary-like but not just a Gary clone must have bee a hardline to balance on but I think you did it. The fact he is still willing to do tutorial stuff, even if passive aggressive and condescending, is a nice touch.
These designs are really cool. My current team is: Hisscorch:Cynder Birbushi:Tsuguku Catrout:Percy
These Pokemon are so fun, familar sounding voices and my team is looking strong! Can't wait to see more! Trainer: Infamous Team: - Hisscorch - Birbushi - Whiskeroo Badges: 2 Saving...
The way I cried of joy when I heard Route 301 being namedropped! Also, JPR's voice acting as Russell was phenomenal!
Team: Naga the Hisscorch Ken the Birbushi Misty the Whiskeroo Russell isnāt hard for being a Fighting type Gym Leader with Ken in hand. Hisscorch is undoubtedly a middle evolution that Iād expect. Whiskeroo was adorable so one is going in my team, canāt wait for it to evolve it to Catrout. Marin is much harder then Russell since I have no grass or electric types. Overall another episode down and already fond of my team.
Yes Also Savingā¦. Player:Grant Badges: 2 PokĆ©mon : Kai the Hisscorch Shromy the Shroomish Whis the Whiskeroo Journal entry/recap:After getting Kai I went to route one and found it aggressive Shroomish who kept on attacking people who came along the route, me and Kai were able to defeat him deciding to join the team. Russel wasnāt much of a challenge. I use Kai to weather down his PokĆ©mon, winning us the battle.(Kai also evolves) down the road to the next town. We meet a hyperactive Whiskeroo she was different from the others so I asked her if she wants to join this team and she said yes. Marin what is very easy with Shromy and that was it. (For now) (Hey I want yāall versions your story put them in the comments, please)
Continuing with the team, thenā¦ Barkollar, Birbushi, Minimaul. Loving these the most so far, so Iām really hoping they all make the cut!
Another great episode has come and gone. I definitely cannot wait for the next one. One question though: Since this is the 2nd episode and we already have 2 gym badges, will the pacing be like how it is in the Kanto games? I think you can get the first and second gym badges pretty close together if I remember correctly so I was just curious if that was the inspiration for the pacing. Keep up the great work! My team: Barkollar Birbushi Whiskeroo
Minimaul? Looks like a weasel/cat version of Riolu. Itās actually kinda cute in my opinion. A pretty good challenge for a first gym leader battle. I just gotta get this little guy for my team. (šš„° I think Iām in loveā¦)
Hisscorch- Fire Birbushi- Normal/Flying (Took out both 1st and 2nd gyms) Pitterpest- Bug (Used as backup in 2nd gym) Catrout- Water
Two gym badges already is crazy! My team after this episode: -Barkollar (The Floofster) -Birbushi (Rookie) -Minimaul (Beatbox) I like how the routes are all in the 300 category, referencing the theme that japanese regions take in the mainline games ascending every 100, with hoenn taking routes from 101 onwards, and sinnoh taking routes from 201 onwards- just a really neat detail that wraps this all together Theory: Since pupperoot's attack made the super effective sound effect against minimaul at 6:24, this may be hinting at pupperoot/barkollar evolving into a type that's strong against fighting- Flying would be too similar to jumpluff imo, so I'm thinking either psychic or fairy are more likely. Looking at barkollar's design, I'd say fairy is the best choice, so that's what I'm gonna place my bets on
Current Team: Barkollar š± Birbushi ššŖ½ Catrout š§ Minimaul looks cool too, but it hasn't been catchable yet. I'm also assuming its evolution will be the Lucario of this region, which is definitely something I want on my team since Lucario is a PokĆ©mon I'd use on a Sinnoh playthrough.
Stats...Crimson ver. Barkollar(Cotton), Birbushi(Bubble), Squeakid (Dora), Pitterpest (Busbug), Whiskeroo (Goggli) Bubble led the way through the first Gym and Cotton the second. Okay, I LOVE the interaction between Conner and Caroline. And just how sarcastic she is with his BS. All the Starter Evos look super awesome.
Current team: Cynder now a Hisscorch Moves: Pound, ember, bite, leer New team update: Barabushi with wing attack, sand attack, and peck. Whiskeroo with bubble beam, scratch, and growl. We level up both team members and beat the first gym with Barabushi. Then we catch Whiskeroo and level it up too. Hisscorch learns thunder fang and we get our second badge. Whiskeroo is a favorite of mine.
My current team: Gallopond who I named kelp, Minimaul who I named mighty, And Pitterpest who I will name when it evolves Canāt wait to see the rest of this series
My faves from this episode were Whiskeroo and Catrout! My team is now: Sarsy the Pupperoot, Polka the Squeakid, Eepy the Pitterpest, and Kitty the Whiskeroo
I'd love to see a battle between Gary and Connor but I don't think any region is big enough to hold those 2 egos
Cedarās team so far: Fluffy the Barkollar Fawkes the Birbushi Aragog the pitterpest Scabbers the squeakid Lupin the minimaul Hermione the catrout Love the series and the designs and might box some of them