This man is a national treasure. He just speaks the true language of people buying airstreams who need to restore them who shouldn’t. We don’t know what we’re doing and we feel so much less alone after watching him construct a wall. Also, the 1/8 inch birch plywood to form the curved wall is genius. We’re not worthy!
I have thoroughly been enjoying this series. If I've learned anything, it's at my age, there is no way I would EVER want to re-model a trailer. Thanks.
Noticed a gutted Airstream on Marketplace the other day, and thought: "Hey. Jason can do one. How about me?" Then I watched your videos again and remembered that I'm a mediocre woodworker at best. So I did not make an offer. Thanks for saving me about $30k in wasted materials and about 900 hours of stress.
I found myself wanting to call to you and say, "Don't rotate the scriber - It will make the piece too narrow!" Starting with the scriber perfectly vertical, slide it along the curve keeping it vertical. The result should be an exact match to the shape as far as the width of the material allows. This is the same way we all scribe countertops to fit the unevenness of the wall. For vertical matching like the edge of a tall cabinet against an uneven wall, the scriber is held horizontally. Thanks for the video. Nice looking project.
As a retired contractor who lost his shirt estimating time on all my first jobs,I came up with a scientific formula based on a consistent time overrun. Take your build time,add clean up,design discussion,chit chat, occasional oversight and .......DOUBLE IT. Worked every time. Cheers.
"You go to school on the first one!" ( Jimmy Diresta ) My catch phrase..."Murphy is my mentor!" That's a lot of plywood? Nicely done sir!
I was going to give you advice on making better videos and about how to better build out an Airstream. Then I realized I don't have a Youtube channel, have never made a video, and have never built out an Airstream. So I'll just say I love your videos Jason. Keep it up man. Love the channel.
Hi there, I enjoy your videos. Let me give you at tip that should help with the rest of your curved construction: you're scribing wrong. You should hold the scribing tool in the same orientation through the whole scribe. If you are starting with it straight up and down, keep it that way. Don't rotate it as you go around the curve. It's a little counterintuitive because it feels like you want it perpendicular to the curve, but you don't! If you adjust your technique, you'll find you need many fewer passes to get a perfect fit. Good luck!
Usually, I'd comment on your technique. But I wanna say that was theee nicest HelloFresh plug ever. Just have a soft spot for father/son moments. Outstanding work, sir! You're evited to the BBQ.
When scribing the ply, you must hold the "scribing stick" vertical at all times. Not 90` angle from the roof/wall, I usually use a level to scribe with
Best thing about Saturday mornings, a new Bourbon Moth video!
Some time ago, I too had an airstream. It was a 1960 Airstream Safari Land yacht, single axle. It was a victim of deferred maintenance, one might say, so I took it upon myself to complete a restomod. I detached the shell from the frame and everything. I cussed, I bled and I learned. Unfortunately, the circumstances of life presented no other option, but to cut my losses, about 10,000 of them, and sell it before I finished. It was for the better, everything is fine now, but I still think of what might have been, had I made better choices. At any rate, I now watch you “struggle” through the parts I didn’t get a chance to do myself, and I’m enjoying every minute of it. Thanks for sharing.
I have a friend that learn to fix cars by taking the engines apart and marking where each screw and part went. He took a while to get it right and lots of folks laughed but he is the best mechanic in our small town now. You are loads ahead of where he started. But the main thing I see in you is the willingness to go outside of your comfort zone. That is where all the learning goes on in life.
I love that your son plays and “active” part in a lot of your work. I haven’t worked on an Airstream but have used many of you videos for construction of my kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Simple, common sense commentary with a bit of humour thrown in works perfectly for me. I may just tackle a trailer reno!
When scribing I think you need to keep your dog ball flinger perfectly vertical as you move it, your action is more to rotate it. I'm not certain but that makes sense in my brain! Loving this series, great progress!
For someone who doesn’t have any clue what they are doing, you sure are clever. (Seriously, that scribe trick was awesome!)
This reminds me of the first time I had to make a template. I went to the plywood rack and grabbed some very thin plywood and started to fit it to the bottom of the hull. It was funny looking because it had spots. The expression on the foreman's face was priceless as he told me I had just used a piece of very expensive maple plywood to make my template. Birds Eye Maple. $300 for a 4x8 sheet back in the late 80's. Whoops!
13:27 you got me! I had no faith and I totally thoughts it was going to break 😂
Coming along nicely! Why not try to move the scribing tool in a parallel motion? Then you will actually copy the shape on the right scale. The "sliding over" issue won't be a problem any more. And you will get quicker to the needed shape. The way you do it it will great a much smaller shape. You will get there but in many more steps. Good luck!