'this is so wholesome omg- i felt so bad for georgie. imagine trying so hard to get family time but every1 always brushes you off. most kids dont want nothing to do w their family so its always a great opportunity to appreciate what you have. ..
I feel so bad for the kid 😭 It's the worst feeling when you are trying to say something but people keep cutting you off
This is so heart warming,i literally felt so bad for Georgie😭😭 Edit:363 likes in 1 day,tysm❤️❤️
"Family time isn't about where we go or what we do. It's about being together." Thanks dhar ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
"Family time isn't about where we go or what we do, it's about being together". That one wise boy quotes
"Family time isn't about where we go or what we do; it's about being together." Couldn't agree more with that! Glad that everything went well for everyone in the end. I felt so bad for the boy who had to deal with all the arguing and disrespect from his past foster families and he's only trying to create great memories with his foster family. Yet, he remain calm, cool, and collected. Love that chill attitude! So happy that he managed to talk some sense into his family and make them realize their mistakes.
This was probably the saddest Dhar Mann video I have ever watched. People like him should deserve a lot more respect in the world; it made me cry when he wanted to go back to the foster home since his family argues all the time and never treats him with respect 😥😥😥 Thank you for the likes and support
I actually feel so bad for the kid when he talked about family time. He was trying his best. I would’ve ran away 😢
'The grandmas roasting each other was lowkey pretty funny though ..
The kid is the youngest and yet he is the only REASONABLE person in this family. I'm glad they realized that he was right and they shouldn't be fighting like cats and dogs or be at each other's throats, sniping at each about the stupidest things.
10:34 is giving "NoT mY nAmE qUaTeRbAcK!" 😭😭
This reminds me of ‘Home Alone’ and the McCallisters. Bravo! 👏
'What a lovely way of showing that you don't have to be old to be an enlightened citizen of Earth.. ! 🌟
15:56 the girl with the rainbow glasses was trying her hardest not to cringe out😂💀
“Family time isn’t about where we go or what we do. It’s about being together.” This is honestly one of the best quotes I’ve heard in my life. Dhar Mann, as always, you’re so awesome!!
“I told you I wanted to foster a girl. Now we are stuck with this boy!” Probably one of the most painful things to hear the little boy could hear
Bro the kid is so sad, I feel bad for him hes just trying to have some fun 😢
This is a really good story ❤ the little boy in the video is so wise in such a short age . He was so lonely❤