

Oh and thank you everyone for all the kind words about Tingboy. It's so appreciated


Loool the MG               C 😂😂


I love the fact that olor was vlogging most of the comp, it's crazy how fast she's grown up! can't wait to see tingboy and olor both continue to advance and get better.


jeez to see a kid that young and go to a comp without being scared and me over here who feels like it will be a nightmare going to one shows me that Tingboy has a great future and can accomplish anything. Go Tingboy!


Go Tingboyyyyy. Ting boy to the rescue. Also if it wouldn’t for Olor ting boy wouldn’t be at this level of cubing


This is crazy, I never thought someone this young would actually try to go to a comp. I have mad respect for Tingboy.

Tingboy is actually quite insane at 2x2 

edit: oh my god thank you so much for the likes thats insane


So close to a sub-1 on his FIRST competition!!! That's insane 👏

Looking forward to the vlog! Gonna be epic


The fact that Tingboy can acctually solve a rubix cube is mindblowing and also how fast he is
Olor is just another legend


so wholesome! well done tingboy!!!


I agree with Tingboy, learn new events just before the comp! (Especially skewb!)


Looks awesome ! We already know tingboy won every event


Congrats to Tingboy and Olor for what they a-comp-lished. Also congrats to Tingboy for proving daddy wrong.
And stay hydrated!


I love watching your comp videos because they are fun and holsom. Congrats to Tingboy on his first competition.  Go learn skewb!


Drinking water for the longest time should be an official WCA event


i really hope this isn't a two part series and tingman doesn't put us on a cliffhanger again!!!


Great job Tingboy and Olor!
This was my favorite comp vlog!




AW look at this confident cuber


They say humor is the best medicine 
Its tru, it looked like they are enjoying themselves with big smiles and getting really good times
the effect of laughing makes you go faster

I just went to my 2nd comp today and met more new people who were funny and laughing and i got sub 12 avg and sub 10 single!!!


The cuteness levels if off the charts 🥺