That second game had some brilliant teammates. 3 down, lets all go stand in the landing zone for the jump pad. 😂
Is there a list of the full patch? Some say all buffs got changed back and others say a few. Wish the game showed numbers and percentages
So far I’ve gotten the do drip and dragapult purple skins from the 500 game boxes. The chances of winning must be much higher than they’re letting on if you ask me
Flower trick now become good compair to old one which was complete garbage that Old flower trick didn't finish of 10 /15% HP enemy pokemon so in my opinion she deserves that flower trick buff now people can play both night slash and flower trick move set
They nerfed meowscarada too late. I got to masters 4 days ago.
I am late but happy Holi to every Indian 😊
Try flower trick+trailblaze
can you do mimikyu or dragaplut pls💓
Meow is at least speedster-ish compared to Blaziken, Cerueledge, and Mimikyu because they should have been speedsters not all rounders. Blaziken has speed boost passive Cerueldge has weak armor passive Mimikyu has shadow sneak
I still like this build better. It's more safe hehe
What happen if you have already a pokemon, then there’s this event that you can get the same pokemon that you already have. What will you get if get it, aeos?
You would play meows Chris the only easy jungler that never needed a buff
3.2k in 6 hours? The game is ded fr
These buffs wouldn't even matter if they just fix the matchmaking I swear im going to end up with 20% winrate at rank at this point Its so miserable.
Chris don't hate me but try also Night Slash. I was very skeptic after the nerf, but I tried it all today and I am now thinking (differently from my previous idea), Night Slash + Attack Weights + Scope (third item of your choice) is the best build, at least for Solo Q. Trailblaze makes easy to stack at any point in the game. If you can stack 6 reliably, NS is, weirdly enough, much better in the lategame, because it has a solid plan and more snowball potential. The flower is powerful and safe, but with NS you can roam, reposition and pressure maybe even more, You can roam around Ray pit and zone/kill easily the attacker. If enemies stack together, the UNITE is valuable and it has a good burst. It's hard to explain all of my thoughts on a Youtube comment but it has to do with how fast NS can farm in the map. It's not powerful on itself, it's just RELIABLE at getting levels by how fast is at farming and stealing enemy jungle. When on average the enemies will be at level 12 or 13, you can reliably reach 14 just by farming, stealing, doing objectives. NS is insane at ripping Regis.