Those santa sleeves and the miter saw are a terrifying combination.
LOL, that montage of Sgt. Hartman holding up the star and yelling WTF IS THAT send my sip of water flying :D
Hey, i just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your videos, you remind me of my uncle a lot. Idk why, but you do John. He committed suicide in May, and I really miss him, i wish I listened to my gut feeling and visited him one last time because we lived within 2 miles of each other and now I won't be able to. So thank you for somehow reminding me of him.šā„ļø
@8:24 bruh it's a hot knife, arts & craft tier. š good vid šŖš½
I like the slowly turning into Santa
"why are you so mean to yourself, have you heard my dad talk to me?" lol I can relate to that
To get the giant Christmas lights to work properly, you need to use a translucent colored paint, like the kind you'd find in the automotive section, not a normal opaque spray paint.
The first segment, cutting the bottom of the "tree"? Yes, extremely satisfying and I loved it!!!!
My dad and I used to make wind spinners the same way you made the pine tree way back in the late 1980's... they look really neat spinning around in the wind when they were painted/stained.
Next time you want to do a TikTok project video, build it they way they do it, and then build it Malecki-style. The tree tray could be really fancy with like an end grain cutting board bottom and a nice, strong frame around it.
I love the interaction between John and Pull it š reminds me of me and my oldest brother. He was a foosball player and was 15 ft tall while I was barely over 5 and a half feet tall and we enjoyed a good game of make fun of each other so our other two brothers could enjoy with popcorn. Keep it up you knuckleheads.
Youtube is lying to you. I am subscribed.
OMG more Santa gear put on with each build is cracking me up! The mailbox looks cool tho!
The second tree would be cooler if someone used fishing line and hang some ornaments in the center. Maybe even some outside. Love this channel. Even dumb ideas can give you a good one š .
The editors killed it on this one. Don't get me wrong, I love John and his jokes, but the editing makes them that much funnier. The clips and memes they drop in always make me chuckle. The drop in of John singing "Forever Young" was incredible lol Keep up the good work everyone.
yooooooo, "hold that for me" and the wood flying, that almost made me choke.
The christmas tree mailbox is pretty damn good actually.
Iām with you so satisfying watching those furring strips drop great video as always š
The issue with the star is that all of the points are supposed to be equal distance from the center. Since they were drawing the points all the way to the corners and edges of the rectangle, irregular distances from the center, there was no way the star was going to look right. But tbh it fits the vibe fine, this tree is supposed to look like a hillbilly DIY project.