Very glad Pix mentioned the Warden wasn't the kind of mob you fight head on. It wasn't designed to be and if you do successfully kill it, it doesn't drop anything unique like the other "bosses" in the game.
I really appreciate that once he started descending into the mountain into the sculk area, the song “So Below” starts playing. Very fitting.
Wow, for what minecraft is, the Deep Dark is actually genuinely pretty horrifying. This is the first time I've actually seen what the biome is like, and just wow. That first shrieker activation is something that would've legitimately terrified me if I ran into it organically, especially with the subtitle of "The Warden approaches"
The insomnia timer isn't impossible to check, but you won't see it unless you look for it. If you check your statistics in the game menu you can find "time since last rest", which will allow phantoms to spawn if it's over 1 hour.
13:58 When you first walked past that 2 block hole, in the back of my mind I thought, "Hey it could be a good idea to cover that one up!" lol
Why did this seem like a nature document "Here we see the warden in it's natural environment" 😆
I started a world in your seed and thought it was a good idea to mine a staircase down in your mountain. I found out the hard way that I shouldn't when I summoned a warden near my mineshaft. That was a scary morning!
Removing the sculk from blocks is also a good way to expose rare ores, such as diamonds in your world. Also, the insomnia counter is cumulative. So if you do not sleep nor expose yourself to the night sky by staying underground, the longer you stay, the more the insomnia counter adds up. This means that if you do not sleep for a 1000 days underground, when you do finally go out at night, the phantoms will literally darken the skies. It could be a challenge to see how many phantoms that you can kill in one night. Enjoy.
What a hero! I would never have dared to trigger the warden and stay near him. Gutsy! Thanks for showing it to me, so I don't have to.
Even though I’ve been playing Minecraft for more than 5 years and I know basically everything about the game, I still enjoy watching Pixlriffis’ videos and find it relaxing just to listen to him explaining all the mechanics
Now that I think about it, a really interesting definition for a Minecraft boss would be that it affects the state of the player while loaded. The ender dragon modifys the hud with a boss bar, slightly alters the skybox, and starts unique music. The wither also has a boss bar, in addition to turning the sky black in Bedrock edition. Elder guardians give a status effect and a grafic on the screen. Finally the warden also gives a status effect, custom sound, and the sounds it makes can be heard no matter where the player is. As far as I know no other mob can affect these elements
21:10 note here; it’s not that it needs to have an air block above it, as sculk can spread up walls. In order to convert something to sculk it must have a side where sculk vein can be placed. Sculk vein will not override other blocks, so that flower did stop it spreading. But if a sculk vein was to generate on the side or bottom of that grass block it would still be converted to sculk even if the top is covered. I’ve been working on an endermen-based sculk farm recently (it’s a nightmare) so I’ve had to figure out a lot of weird things with the sculk and it’s such a pain trying to get it to not convert the soul soil in my basalt generators to sculk
hey pix, when you kill the cow at ~19:10, the reason that it didnt spread is because it died on the catalyst
they should add a wallpaper block that functions like glow lichen or skulk vein for people that want an indoor colour to be different from the outside block without making it 2 thick
Once again, a super informative video, presented in a truly engaging way. I find that I know most of the things you talk about but every video has at least one bit of info that I store away for future use. The warden is something that I haven't really done much with. Looking forward to a future video about the ancient city and how to loot it "safely"/safer.
A less risky way of being able to see in the deep dark is to take night vision potions, also useful for raiding ancient cities. Just don’t drink them next to a sculk sensor and you’ll be fine! Reduces the need to put torches down and risk accidentally triggering a sensor
I just recently got into Minecraft about 2 weeks ago and I have already watched your survival guide 1-3 alllll the way thru 😅 lol thanks for all tips and tricks
I love sculk and the Deep Dark!! It's such a cool addition to the game, and when you fell down that tiny hole right after summoning the warden it was so tense! The other day I played around with seeing how much sculk I could destroy in survival after teleporting to an ancient city and giving myself a hoe that could instamine it and repair itself with the mending, and I did also cheat at one point just to save myself from a death that wouldn't have been the warden because I wanted to specifically see how long I could avoid it so I definitely don't think it really counts and I still want to do the challenge completely legit one day, it surprised me how easy it was to avoid the warden, I kept getting more and more reckless until it finally managed to kill me but if I hadn't decided to go completely chaotic because I had something else to do and needed to finish, I probably could have lasted even longer! It's still a super scary place though!
Wake up babe, new survival guide just dropped.